Concern for future of my nephew with schizophrenia?

- in PlayStation

I hope to find like-minded people who can possibly give me some advice:

I have a nephew who had a big tumor in his head as a baby. He has undergone surgery, and he is a bit retarded in his development, has problems with concentration, and so on. Drug use has led to schizophrenia. He has been put on pills and he is a retiree with only 34 years.

After the death of my brother, with whom he lived, no one cares about him except the already 87 year old granny and me. The mother does not show up.

Since the house is sold must be sought for a place to stay. Unfortunately, he is rejected in facilities where he could live under supervision, because he is "too healthy". It is said again and again that he can take care of himself and one seeks assisted living.

For my nephew, that would mean that he lives completely alone in an apartment, without any social contacts, without employment and without perspective. He spends his day with TV, Playstation and sleep.

In a facility where he would have a regular routine, the opportunity to be among people and employment (laundry, gardening, etc.), he would be able to lead a relatively normal life. Alone in an apartment without contacts he will eventually go completely crazy.

Therefore, my question in the round: My nephew is certainly not an isolated case. What happens to such people? Are there solutions? Can I get help somewhere?


But there are residential groups where they can take care of themselves as they live together in a flat share. Have you really asked everywhere? City Hall, Social Services, Psychiatric Hospital in the area? Here psychiatry has apartments outside the hospital area all over the city where those live in residential groups. Or in a nursing home maybe assisted living?


It is unfortunately often the case that parents spoil a sick child, in this case referring to the tumor track, too much and lose everything.

He has to learn to live alone. If experts say that he can, if you take that seriously and support him, to lead a life of their own. That is difficult after 34 years, is clear.

But obviously, the parents have made significant mistakes leaving their son in total disrepair.


We tried after the death of his father. The consequence was again drug use and again total crash. That the parents have made mistakes is obvious. Unfortunately, blame does not help us today.


There are therapeutic residential groups or ambulatory assisted living. They are often offered by social sponsors, such as Caritas or Diakonie, or similar local social institutions. With which you could inquire times.


There's no blame. That was a statement from me. Nevertheless, one can still lead such a person into the self-employment.


That is exactly my problem. I do not know who to contact. But you are right. I'll just call everything. Maybe there's some help somewhere.


I've already been to Caritas. Since just came the comment that he can't go into this facility because he is too fit. Are also totally occupied and there's already a waiting list. I know the ambulatory care living and know that once a week stop by and check if he is not neglected. That's not all. Nevertheless many thanks.


The problem is: who should do that? His 87 year old grandma? Or me, who I have 4 hours to drive until I'm with him? Everything always easy to say!


It is not that easy. He needs a social report. For this purpose he should go to the Social Psychiatric Service for a period of time, weekly appointments. If the SPDI knows him then, his social worker can write a social report about him that should be formulated to reflect the need for a TWG. He can also get a psychiatric report. That should also formulate his neediness. Then Caritas can't refuse him.


Ok.Da I can ask again. He regularly goes to a psychiatrist. PIA is called the institution.

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