Portal knights-My workbench 4 is not working?

- in PlayStation

I have a small problem in portal knights for the Ps4 - I wanted to make the gauze fabric with the crystal threads, but then I noticed that there's no recipe from the workbench 4 in my workbench except the upgrade to the workbench 5 we have even a completely new workbench upgraded, the old dismantled and put back up, nothing works, there are no new recipes… Do you have to make the gauze somewhere else? Or is it only possible with workbench 5?


Look at all the other "workbenches" such as smithy alchemy table, etc. They all have different recipes vllt you will find there what you need. Not all recipes can be found under the normal workbench.


Yes, I've already looked, nothing… And at the workbench are also these other fabrics and gauze is indeed a substance, thanks anyway danke


Of course, there are also recipes that you have to find on your journey.

Maybe it's one of them.


Can you look it up somewhere? Was already on some websites where all the recipes are… Just do not find anything to gauze or crystal threads