Would the knights or the Vikings really have a chance against the samurai?

- in PlayStation

One of my favorite games on PS4 right now is For Honor, where knights, vikings and samurai meet. But would they really have a chance against the samurai? For me it would always have been a similar fight as boxers (knights, vikings) against kung fu masters (samurai);)


Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. If you use them correctly, they have a good chance.


Yes, they would have had. A katana, for example, may be very sharp, but would not withstand the 'contact' with a European broadsword for long and would simply break. The knight would also be better armored. And do not make the mistake of thinking that the two Europeans are not well-trained fighters.


A knight would have a chance under the same conditions. The European broadsword could quickly make a kantana unusable, for example

Not a Viking


Oh there were already sooo many tests and questions here… The answer was, is and remains YES!
Samurai are not the super warriors superior in every way than they are placed in pop culture.
Their armor is not designed to withstand the weapons of the knights or Vikings (with whom no one has believed yet to compare) because they simply did not exist in their culture. Likewise, katana are not made to penetrate heavy metal armor!


Well the Vikings had a shield wall, samurai had less to do with it, both sides would be a little overwhelmed because they would have to compete against a completely new and unknown tactic and equipment ^^


I have now started from 1vs1.


Difficult to estimate, I would have guessed the samurai. Although I don't know how widespread shields were in Japan and a shield fighter who knows what he's doing, it can make it really difficult for someone who only wields a long sword.


Yes, the good old ax doesn't just replace the carpenter.


Katanas wouldn't just break. Do you even know how to make a katana?


Hardly any weapon from these eras had the aim of penetrating armor. Some approaches were there, but well-made armor was simply too stable for swords in the end. The best weapon against a knight is still a small dagger, with which one tries to target or the unprotected parts.


That's right, even if you could still try to stab your armpit or crotch because there were the biggest weaknesses.
But yes, hit the knight with the strikers against the helmet until he is dazed and then stab it, or better capture him, that brings more money ^^


It all depends on the technology and its level of mastery. Of course, the knowledge of your opponent also plays a role.


This has already been tested by historians who have dealt with this question. I will not discuss facts.