Audio connection for speakers?

- in PlayStation

I have a desktop PC and a PS4 connected to a PC monitor. I buy a couple of small speakers (Logitech Z120). My question makes a difference whether I connect the speakers to the PC or monitor? (aux) If I connect it to the monitor, I would still have the sound from the PS4 on it, but would have to connect the USB cable to another power source. What would you do?


You have to connect the usb either way. The one responsible for the power supply. The sound comes over the latch.

does the monitor have a jack slot?

if so, then it should work with the sound. The USB must still be connected. He can hang on the pc. You can set usb slots so that there's always electricity, even when the pc is shut down. Or you have, for example, a desk lamp with a usb slot. But they definitely need electricity


Yes, the monitor has a jack connection, I could connect usb to a connector strip via an external NT. I was just not sure whether it is technically the same quality then the sound whether I connect it directly to the monitor or to the PC.


As far as the sound quality is concerned, I can't say anything.