Is my internet connection sufficient to gamble?

- in PlayStation

I feel like gambling! Only I do not know exactly if my Internet is fast enough to be able to play fluently. I would like to buy a Ps4 but I do not want to buy it now and then I can't gamble without Laggs. I have to play something like Battlefield or Fornite. I'm connected via Wi-Fi and do not know me so which values I need minimum. A speed test I have done with my PC which is also connected via Wi-Fi. Try adding the screenshot. Would be glad about helpful answers!


Is my internet connection sufficient to gamble Is my internet connection sufficient to gamble - 1

Is enough fat.

Also 16mbit / s are enough for gambling. Gambling does not need much bandwidth. There the latency is much more important. That also depends on the location of the gameserver, but 15ms sounds good.

Streaming could be tight (but should still be possible), and several 4k series streams are also watching at the same time.


Why can't anyone actually make a screenshot.

What would everyone do without a mobile phone?


The bandwidth is not so important, for decent and lagg-free gambling the ping should be good and little packet loss. The solution here is only about servers that are as close as possible and dispense with interference such as WLAN and go directly via LAN.


Yes, perfect, because you can easily gamble online with your consoles. Which I do too 😉




My mistake! Had not been allowed to mention screenshot because it is none at all… I'm able to make some! Only it was so easy for me and in the end you recognize it but ok it is not a screenshot…


Thank you thank you.