Your favorite first person shooter ps4?

- in PlayStation

I only switched from the ps3 to the ps4 when the ps5 came out and accordingly I didn't really care about all the games that are now available for it.

Unfortunately, I now have the feeling that there were hardly any first-person shooters produced. Even if I google it explicitly, I mostly get 3rd. Person shooter, or games completely unknown to me.
So I thought I'd just ask about your favorite first person shooters for Ps4.


But you missed a lot. First person shooters are among the most popular console titles. The popular classics are primarily Call of Duty, Battlefield, Apex Legends and Rainbow Six Siege.


Unfortunately, all of them are not designed for single players, the well-known titles are also not alien to me, as I said before, I played ps3 for a long time, and as you can imagine based on my question, mainly ego shooter😅

have only now processed the question, so thank you anyway


Call of Duty: Black Ops 3
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Back in the very beginning, Fortnite was nice with friends


Purebred single-player first-person shooters are actually rare. Here I can recommend the two current Doom parts and the Wolfenstein parts.


At the top definitely Doom and Doom Eternal

The new Wolfenstein parts are also highly recommended, i.e. The New Order, The Old Blood and The New Colossus (but definitely stay away from Youngblood)