PS4 broken because power accidentally pulled out?

- in PlayStation

A "mistake" happened to me recently, I was actually at a friend's house and they gambled.

A colleague had connected his PS4, which was on a multiple connector that went through the whole room. Just wanted to charge my cell phone and then I just pulled it out (didn't know that his PS4 etc. Was on it)

Then everything went out but everything was okay… Then he wrote me a day later that his PS4 jz is broken because of me and he probably wants money from me for a new hard drive or something?

Now my question, can the PS4 really break so easily and is it just me to blame? Can you maybe clarify this with the insurance company or something because I really don't have any money at the moment.

edit: this is the error code that comes with it

PS4 broken because power accidentally pulled out

I'd rather guess another mistake, but you can never say that 100%.


Yes ka he means jz to me it is definitely broken and should I buy him a new one? Just because I had a power cut?


Mine was often out of power and still works. How many days later did he get it with?


Did the Playstation work again afterwards? How does he want to prove that your actions are the cause of the damage?


Yes, she went back on it


I think a day later. He tells me that the PS4 was running with all the data and because I then removed the power, errors keep occurring and so and he doesn't get it properly anymore


Then it will definitely not be your fault. Especially when she left afterwards. This has happened to me several times with my Playstation. Don't let those guys rip you off.


I think that at most saves can be lost


Seems to me a little suspicious that the PS4 is down, even with update installation it always means it should not be disconnected from the power. But even there it is not immediately down. So I suspect another mistake or your friend just wants money.

If it turns out that it really was you, insurance could also pay


He thinks he gambled afterwards and when he was back home and wanted to turn it on he made this mistake… He doesn't want the money but he wants me to pay him the hard drive


I doubt that. But if he is convinced, it will be difficult to get him off this trip


You could have a look at him in kind to see if it broke at all or whether he invented it. If anything, there should only be a software-based and usually Solvable problem remains. If she left immediately afterwards, nothing could have happened.


If it went right after that, you're fine and the fault must be with him or her and transport.


No, he didn't invent it, we're good friends, but he also has 0 money and wants to sort it out…


He just sent me a picture of the mistake, I would like to ask you about it


My guess that the hard drive came loose during transport (which your friend was responsible for).