Why is Battlefield V so bad?

- in PlayStation

I only played some single player on the PS4. But it's a catastrophe. Sometimes I shoot almost an entire magazine at an opponent, but the shots just don't register it. Then I was killed once at the start of a mission, and when I restarted, all of my opponents were simply gone. Another time, I had killed all the opponents, but because the game was bugged, it didn't go on and I had to restart! I also like the graphics better in Call of Duty Modern Warfare, especially the weapons seem to have a lot more details. Why do you always read from Battlefield players that Battlefield is so good, but if you try it, is it something?

What does it look like in multiplayer if the game can't even register the shots correctly in single player?


So I play on the PC and have absolutely no problems. So multiplayer and singleplay r runs smoothly with beautiful graphics and raytracing. I can recommend multiplayer but it is very difficult for beginners


I also played it on PS4 (Pro) and had absolutely no problems.

The multiplayer has its playful weaknesses in my opinion, but that has nothing to do with the problems you described.


Because Battlefield has been one step ahead for the past 8 years. But BF5 is DOA (Dead on Arrival) and I never found BF1 particularly good either. Modern Warfare also has a lot of problems… (admittedly it is better than BF5 & BF1)

BF4 and BF3 are still better than the new Battlefield titles in my opinion and also better than Modern Warfare (at least gameplay-technically)