Battlefield 4, Battlefield 5 or Rainbow Six Siege?

- in PlayStation

I haven't played shooters in years and bought Battlefield 1 a week ago.

I love the game and the First World War setting.

Now, Battlefield 4, Battlefield 5, and Rainbow Six Siege are on sale on PS4

Which game is best?

I don't have any particular preferences because I'm open to everything.


R6 is not a game that you play, the game requires a lot of knowledge and it has a lot of bugs and errors. Personally, I would recommend BF5 to you, lots of players, you can just go in without a lot of knowledge and there aren't that many bugs. BF4 is really nice in terms of weapons, design, etc. But unfortunately has very few players now.


Hasn't the bugs been fixed by a game like this that came out many years ago?


Of course you can just play it, that's what the easy list is for.


Rainbow Six Siege. You already have BF1, so Battlefield V is the same with a few improvements.

R6 is pretty hard to master, especially for beginners. This is not a shooter like CoD, where you can run through without thinking too much. Any shot can be fatal and if you die you are dead until the round is over.

The new season came in Rainbow yesterday. The game gets tons of content and it will continue to do so. Ubisoft plans to continue developing the game at least until year 10.

We're currently in year 6 season 1. Every 3 months there's a new season. That means at least another 4 years of content.


And what bugs should R6 have?


The decision is really difficult.

I like both tactical shooters and WW2 war settings. Uff


The difference between BF1 and BFV is not that great. Would definitely take R6.

Incidentally, the fact that there are many bugs in R6 is not true. The developers patch every bug in the shortest possible time.


Rainbow for everyone is the best game and is fun


For an easy or quick match you also need knowledge of the game.


Yes what But he said you had to have some knowledge of the game to play.


You're just taking it too literally.


You have to know.


He just means that you have to know about the game to play it properly.


Play right, I just don't have 300 hours Comp.


And what is that now for your argument? Surely you have gained enough experience in your 300 hours to have a clue? That's exactly what it's about. You have to deal with the game because it doesn't consist of running in and shooting like a CoD.


Well the 300 hours came about when I just started playing. Not made deliberately easy. To this day I don't really have a clue what I was doing there.

But CoD is not exactly as you say, who simply runs into the opponent is just as freekill as in R6.


Not really. Have you ever seen all the CoD Youtubers playing their gameplays? 99% of them jump around and shoot anything that moves, doing 30 kills in a row. In R6 you are more like n freekill, especially because n headshot is always a one-hit and you can't run particularly fast or jump at all. But it works in CoD.

Usually you have a learning curve. If you don't really deal with the game, the curve isn't that big.


Yeah yeah But that is precisely the "skill" that is required for CoD. A good aim during fast movement and good movement.

You also have to be pretty map aware. But you're right to play CoD Casual you don't really have to deal with it.


Unfortunately, the developers are too incompetent and patch 3 new bugs for one fix


I would advise against R6S if you haven't gambled for a while.
The game is no different from aiming, but the maps are vertical and you die so quickly without even having the chance to see opponents.
Map knowledge is the be-all and end-all. Quite frustrating for a beginner or a returnee.


Personally, I don't really know Rainbow. Which of the 2 games you play doesn't matter. However, you have to note that Battlefield 4 is a bit older and therefore will not have as many players and thus the setting of the servers is closer than with Battlefield V. However, many people complain about Battlefield V because they are do not like.


But why are many complaining about BF5?

I have nothing against this game.


Yes, I too, don't know either.


In general I haven't touched shooters for years.

I started to really play shooters again with Battlefield 1.


At the moment there are a few cheaters in Battlefield 5 and that's just annoying.

In addition, all noobs play with type 2 or mg 42.

But otherwise it's actually really awesome


Perspectives are not the same, Border Rework can take a look at all the bugs, headshots are not registered (there are numerous videos) for the fact that the game is 6 years old, there are far too many bugs that keep increasing. Pengu, for example, stopped with R6 because he no longer enjoys the game as it is now and that has a lot to say.


Great, new ones are added per update which are only fixed after 3 or more seasons, if at all. Ubi just wants the money, it doesn't matter what happens to the game.


The Border Rework came out two days ago, so the developers barely had time to fix any of it. You can't discover all bugs during the TTS…

Perspectives and unregistered headshots rarely occur or only appear that way. The problem is nowhere near so great that it makes the game unplayable. Apart from that, parts of the helmet or the equipment do not belong to the hitbox and therefore do not count as headshots. Ubisoft is also working on minimizing this and that has gotten a lot better with every season. It hardly happens anymore. Most of these clips are several years old. This is not something that can be fixed overnight, because it has to do with the engine.

He wrote on Twitter that he no longer enjoys eSports and that he is quitting. He didn't stop playing. He's still a streamer and lives off of it. That really is a difference. And why should that be so expressive when someone no longer plays a game? It could also be that he just wants to play some other game.


I conclude from this comment that you are max Lvl 80 on silver 3 Elo? There are countless videos where you can see exactly what I have described. And the main reason for him to quit is the game, read through all sorts of articles because it's mentioned a lot. I really don't know if you just have no idea or are stupid, Ubi has proven often enough that the bugs don't fix and you think they fix the rework bugs? Then good night. But I can see you are playing on Ps4 so who I'm not wasting my time.


Ah, so from my comment you can infer which level and what rank I have. Who doesn't know it.

And I conclude from your comment that you simply can't cope with the arguments of others, because apart from defamation I see nothing. You can already see that in the part where the point is that I gamble on the Ps4 … (What is supposed to be so bad about it now and whether that makes my arguments worse?)

So now you seriously want to tell me that any of the articles are true but his own statements are not?

He says he just stops. In fact, he gave no reason at all. Any articles are certainly not a more reputable source.

And here he even says that he likes the new season (except for a few sound and recoil bugs):

You did not respond to any of my arguments, you just try to defame me because you can't say anything else.

I'm certainly not going to go into it any further.