Threatening calls with announcement, is the PS4 to blame?

- in PlayStation

My son received threatening calls on his cell phone yesterday, someone threatened to kill us, but knew names and the names of the pets. I don't think it's one of his buddies or someone we know. I now have more of a suspicion of the PS4, because you can play with other strangers and talk to a headset, because he has often said that the budgies are so loud and maybe also tells other things. The only call that I could overhear sounded more like a band announcement, since the speaker did not answer any questions, but kept talking. Strangely, today is quiet, I would have expected protection money extortion or something, may come. Has anyone experienced anything like this lately, or has something gone through the press?


Yes, just talk to your son about it first and ask him if he knows who that is or if he has passed the number on ps4 and told things about himself.


Yes, at that age you get the answer "I don't remember exactly".


If it continues like this, I would file a complaint with the police, possibly also ask the telephone provider for a new number (but I think it costs something)

You can't tell whether it's through the PlayStation, only if your son passed the number on. Since he does not know it either (because you have already replied to it) I would inform the son again about the transfer of personal data.


Or maybe it was just a "prank" from his friends who wanted to kid him a little. Was the case more often when I was 12.