Somehow everything is stupid?

- in PlayStation

So I currently have holidays, and I'm home alone 1 week and my family on vacation, because I would like to test it as a teenager. I have not been to school for a long time but now I get help from the helper (jga)

My parents are separated etc.

My father calls me, he lives somewhere else.

Labert me full I'm in a home, I'm to blame if my siblings also get away, and that it was a mistake to buy your ps4 and that he has only stress because of me. Although he has nothing to do…

And a bunch of garbage as if ma were in the 70s…

So just reproaches, of course just thought, what's wrong there. And to him you said you have no idea etc

The youth welfare office comes once a week, and I have a helper that I think is really great. Because you can talk to him, etc. And so far everything has been good except with the school. So this is totally nonsense with the home. My parents are to blame why that's all with the youth welfare office

My mother is on vacation, she too. Yes you have to clarify with pure dad and then said that you go shopping tomorrow and buy also carrots for the rabbits we have and understood just so…

I've noticed, in the past everyone could treat me and more. I also made mistakes. But I want to listen to myself I'm doing my strength training, and I'm going back to school soon after summer vacation and I'm doing my graduation again.

But what do you think, should I chill. Or watch how I do it, and do not listen to people where I mean. They have no idea, and I live my life and mine nothing. There. I can't sleep because of that. Lustless and just stupid

Sorry if that is not so understandable. If I wrote everything, that would be too much


I always react in such a way that I pretend that I'm listening and that I'm to blame, but in the brain all of them can tell me… It helps me


So just live as you want. If an outsider person says something that has no idea, just listen, if it is too stupid opinions


No. Easy to hear and make her feel right and do what she thinks is right.

For a bite if I have not spilled drink and someone comes and blames me, I listen and just dump everything


Sometimes it is better for one to separate from his family. As soon as he wants to turn you down reflect his mistakes, then he soon has no desire for it.

It is a pity that many people want to shift their mistakes to their own children in a reflective way


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