Lan cable splitter?

- in PlayStation

So I have a PC and a ps4 and don't want to drag another 15 meter lan cable through the apartment 😅

Is there such a splitter or switcher, what I do to one LAN cable and then 2 small LAN cables to the adapter and then to the console and the PC?

Can connect the playsi with Wi-Fi, but that's really slow and bad. Unfortunately only lagged.


The component we're looking for is called a network switch.

Ju Amazon & dchild = 1 & keywords = + lan & distributor qid = 1613500370 & sr = 8-1-spons & psc = 1 & sPLA = ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUE2N1VESDVFSkFEQ04mZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTAyMzQzNjJJTkQ5MFcxUVdCMkgmZW5jcnlwdGVkQWRJZD1BMDA3NTUxM09FRjhYN1JRQU5QWSZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU =


Look at LAN splitter


Yes, you can buy a corresponding mini switch.

e.g. Something like this:


I had it once. For example something like this came up:

But that didn't work iwie


You'd need that thing on both sides for it to work. - I think so.


Yes, of course there's. When I always wanted to play Minecraft with a buddy, the Internet (also with other games) became too slow for me - I thought to myself; "That's enough!" and put a 15 meter LAN / Ethernet cable through the apartment (neatly, of course) and connected the LAN cable to a 24-port switcher with 3-4 Gbits / gigabyte transmission capacity.

it cost me 25.00 euro in the media market, but the investment is still worth it today!

I wish you success!

Lan cable splitter
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