How to convert a .PUP file again?

- in PlayStation

I got a reinstallion for the PS4 today and I opened the .PUP file accidentally with the editor, and can't convert it back to a .PUP file! Need help


There's nothing to convert.

The "problem" is just that Windows (I guess you use Windows) "recognizes" the "file type" based on the filename extension (everything after the last dot in the filename).

If you now, for example, The file WasWeissIchDennWieDieHeisst.pup with the "Editor" open (and, if necessary, yet check the box "always open with this program have set), then Windows just remember" If the filename ends on .pup, then I should this Open a file with the editor. ".

The file itself is absolutely nothing changed.


But i can somehow reinstall my ps4


Uh, wat? Could you formulate the sentence again in "understandable"? ò.ó