Long-standing customer at 1&1. Advantages?

- in PlayStation

We have been customers for almost 10 years at 1&1 and pay for very bad Internet very much compared to new customers. The Internet is always jerky, so we thought to change the provider or get a higher rate. Can one get as a long-term customer any discounts or premiums? Has anyone had any experience? I have also seen on the website that new customers in addition to get a device for free (for example, PS4). Can I, as a long-term customer, also access these rewards if I make sure that I have been a customer with them for years?


Yes and no…

As a longtime regular customer you can already demand and get something, but in the end you will not get more than any new customer who haggles a bit before his contract.

Gifted electrical appliances at the conclusion of the contract are (as the name implies) only at the conclusion of the contract and not in case of extension.


Long-term customers are always the stupid with all telephone providers! They are excluded after line and thread. If you want better conditions, you have to quit well or bad. Then you will probably even offer you a better contract. But that will probably still be worse than what you get as a new customer elsewhere.


I do it this way: cancel contract and then wait for offers. The provider wants to keep his customers and will make you an offer.

When it comes to Internet performance, it may be due to the on-site technology that you are not getting faster Internet access.

1 + 1 Runs over the DSL line of the Telekom. No matter which provider you go, if you only VDSL (16 Mbit) is expanded, no provider can deliver faster I-Net.

Except maybe a cable provider, if you have a cable connection in the house…