Delete account after sharen?

- in PlayStation

My friend has told me games on ps4 and my question is now. I'm permanently on his account as the primary Ps4 because without him being displayed as Primary Ps4 I can't play the games. I want to know how I can play the games on my account without being a Primary Ps4.

And how can I delete the account and then continue to play the games


This is not possible. Must be activated as primary, otherwise you will get a symbol and can't play it. But you can still play on your account, only his account must be halted primarily. But your buddy can't play on another account, if he has n second or so. But only the one with which he bought the games.

Well, on the ps3 went something like that. That used to be. And delete does not come into question at all.


But why is my ps4 activated as a primary and its also with me?


That could be a glitch. It happened to me too


Does my ps4 normally have to be deactivated and its activated or vice versa?


A ps4 can only have one primary account, it does not matter if it's yours or yours. Can you adjust. However, it can't be primarily two different accounts on a ps4. If it is then displayed, it's just a glitch and it still does not work.

And if eg your account is activated on his ps4, then it must be deactivated on yours. If you want to get it back, then you have to deactivate your account on your ps4 so you can activate it on yours. So you can't just go into settings and set it up without your buddy having previously disabled it.