With my Playstation I only have a "child's account", the main account belongs to a person who no longer lives in my household and will therefore no longer use it.
Is there a way to delete the main account and make my account the main account?
Would be more practical in general, as I can't make in-game purchases with my current account, because I have a child account. I'm not yet 18, but everything would work with the main account.
Do you have a solution for me?
Settings> login settings> user management> delete user.
Will my other account automatically become the main account?
Actually yes, but you can also use your acc as the primary (hapt acc) must inform you beforehand.
On Youtube.
You mean there's a primary account that you want to get rid of.
1. You log into the PS page with the third-party account (here you need the email address of the others)
2. Go to Settings and Devices, because you have to deactivate the account of Allen Ps4.
3. You register with your account at the Ps4 and then go to settings, and there you have to activate your own account as primary.
if you didn't understand then I can explain it again.