PS4 as loud as a vacuum cleaner. What to do?

- in PlayStation

My PS4 is very loud, especially with big games like GTA Online but also Rainbow six siege. It's really on a vacuum cleaner level. I've opened it twice and sucked out all the dust and cleaned this fan wheel thoroughly with cotton swabs. I also put everything together properly and everything but it doesn't get quieter. I also deleted all my video clips (over 100GB) and all the games I don't play. But it didn't work either. I already put the PS4 on a small box so that it is well ventilated on all sides and it helped a bit, but it is still quite loud.

Does anyone have any tips? Except for a new console or PC.


You may need to clean it up, but be warned if you get a little messier about these things there should be a risk of breaking the PS4 for whatever reason, etc.


Did you just clean the PS4 so the fan or did you do other things? Because there's more in the PS4 that you should do after a few years, such as applying new cooling paste (sry doesn't know whether the paste has the same name, but in any case it is there for cooling as a cooling aid).


Renewing thermal paste has helped mine for a while. And it's best to take a high quality one.

One of the best on the market:

If the above is too expensive:

Check out a few videos beforehand. Most of them put a pea-sized blob and either let the pressure spread everything or spread it with a small spatula.


If this thing sounds like a vacuum cleaner, the fan bearing is going to be broken… Otherwise it would sound like a PS4 with the fan running! Replace the fan and it will be quieter.

If the fan runs too often, check whether the fan runs justified or unjustified. If justified, then localize the heat sources and adjust with a picture! If unjustified, look for alternative controls!


My PS4 had the same problem until recently. I cleaned it completely and renewed thermal grease. Since then there has been silence. I recommend the Arctic MX4. Since then my console has been nice and quiet.

Please do not use cheap thermal paste or one with low thermal conductivity. I had used it before and that only made the Playstation louder instead of quieter.

If that doesn't help, it is possible that the bearing on your fan is defective. But the way it sounds with you, it is only when the Playsi is properly challenged and temperatures arise, so I guess it's because of the thermal paste.