PS4 beeps constantly?

- in PlayStation

More than a week beeps my PS4 without a reason and there are no problems. Everything works as it should be just the beeping is still annoying and leaves me no rest. The beep tone occurs 1-3 std 1x for 1 sec. On, he also differs from the sound and beeping if you want to remove a CD. In addition, there's the beep sound even if the Ps4 is off.


Clean your ps4 from the inside. It probably gets too warm due to dust deposits


The beeping sounds normally when you press the "Disc button"… Probably there's some loose contact. Unfortunately, I can't help you anymore


Maybe the CD reader also has a shot?

Carefully clean it and see if it's better.


No the disc button sound is very different than I mean.


I forgot to mention that also the ps4 is off the sound appears