Why is our new WLAN so bad?

- in PlayStation

Today we have activated glass fiber from ewe. We have the GIGA 300 package, if I'm not mistaken. On the note for the activation it said that we will have max. 300K download and max. 150K upload. Now we have done a speed test and have 50K with both. Now if I download something e.g. I only have 1mb / s on the ps4 … That's pretty little, isn't it? How can it be that we pay for an expensive line and then only get something?
Should I contact support?


You compare two different things.


You said "Wi-Fi"

Take a cable that can transmit over 300 Mbit and connect it to a LAN connection where it can do that (they are usually Gigabit Lan connections) and zack you have completely different speeds.

Furthermore, most downloads are specified in M BYTE. So a byte is exactly 8 bits. So you have to take the download speeds 8 times if you want to get to the Mbit speed.

On top of that, downloads are often much slower than the maximum speed. Most of the time, this has nothing to do with your line, just so that you can only download something as quickly as your counterpart sends. It is clear if your opposite tilts only 1 mbit into the hose called internet line, you can't get more than 1 mbit. This usually happens when many people want something from certain servers at the same time.


Try it out if it is faster with LAN. 1mb / s is nothing. I think I have a 50k line and 4mb / s

If you don't have a LAN connection you can simply try Dlan in the room with the ps4


But the problem is that I pay for a line that offers me a lot and is expensive, but does not get the least bit of performance. When I'm told that I will have up to 300,000 kbit / s and only get 1,000 of them, I feel a bit fooled.




Well just that the line is not the problem. If you do a speed test by cable as described you should see between 80 and 110% of the performance that is promised. If you do not have the devices / cables to use the 300 Mbit, it is not the fault of the DSL provider.

And if you e.g. Downloading a game and downloading 10,000 more people from the same company will slow it down. This has nothing to do with the line, but so that the other party can't send as quickly as its customers can receive data. Since the fiber optic provider can't do anything for you, you would have to complain to the game company.

Oh, by the way, I don't know if your Playstation is fast enough to download 300 Mbit data. The best thing you can do is ask other Playstation owners who have the same Playstation generation as you and how quickly they can download and save what. I could imagine that the Playstation Wi-Fi doesn't manage more than 50 Mbit, but as I said, I don't know.


Wi-Fi and the speed of the DSL connection.


The maximum would be 6.25 Mbytes with a 50 Mbit line. If this is mostly less than 5 for you, you should take a speed test e.g. How is my IP doing. Something might be wrong. Provided you don't use Wi-Fi.


I understand that so far, only my brother has connected his pc via lan cable and still doesn't get more than 5 Mbit?


My brother's PC is connected via LAN cable. It only has 5mbit


These are MBYTE so that would be 40 Mbit. Would still be too little, of course.

Does he have the speed when downloading or during a speed test? Please try your brother's PC (or let him do it) for the speed test of "How's my ip" with which I achieved the best results. The "best" in this case means "most realistic" results.


Have now done the speedtest on the recommended site. Have upload 43 kbits and download 54kbits.


I guess "trz" stands for anyway. I further assume "5mbit" stands for 5 Mbit / s. Then the question arises how that was measured.


Aren't 4mb / s much more than 6.25mbyte or am I wrong?


These are certainly not Mbit Kbit but you are right that is too little. Even if you have the wrong cable, it should be about twice that. It may be a little thing. Call support (or contact by email) and tell you the result. Sometimes there's signal noise or something like that, the technical support can change a few settings and that matters a lot.

Only if this was a test via Wi-Fi, the Wi-Fi will probably no longer be able to.


The abbreviation "Mb" is called Mega Bit. The abbreviation "MB" are mega bytes. A byte consists of exactly 8 bits. So the other way around the byte is more.