Strong ping and Internet downtime?

- in PlayStation

For a long time I have had the problem that our internet is extremely unstable.

We have a 15 mbit copper line. We do not get a better line because we're too far from the distribution box. In itself, this line would be enough but since there are always failures from the Internet (Ping is too high to gamble or Internet completely fails) it has become really annoying. Whether I play via LAN or WLAN makes no difference. When we contacted our provider, they sent us a new router because our old router was no longer valid. But that did not solve our problem. Now our provider does not know what to do anymore and told us that they can't change anything, which I find quite annoying. On our router hang a Playstation, a PC, 3 phones and a switch (Playstation and PC are connected via LAN). Every solution is welcome. All devices have the same problem.


Open the Task Manager on your PC and watch which programs draw the most internet. This may be related to svchost.exe. However, if the PC is off and the problem still occurs, I know now no further solution


Try to really disconnect all devices from the router and then test a laptop over LAN. Then you test the laptop then via WLAN.

If the test works better with individual devices is on the line.


What do you mean by "otherwise it's up to the line". Do you mean that she is Kapput or that she is too weak?


What is a svchost.exe? Do not know me so well…


We also had the problem here.

In the dead end in which we live are still old copper cable and the other residents were not willing to share the cost of fiber.

Only when an employee of Telekom was on site, I could explain that I would like to switch to Telekom, if a higher data throughput is guaranteed in the contract, was pulled from the main road from a fiber optic cable through the cable channel of the telecom!

In any case, you should check if the transfer you pay for is guaranteed at all.

Otherwise contact the provider, as he is contractually obliged to supply / provide.


Too weak for so many devices