Grown up without a father?

- in PlayStation

With me (M / 17), I think I've gone a little wrong in my past. I had a normal childhood until 7. After that my mother and father unfortunately left. That was hard to bear but you get used to it. I saw my dad every other weekend. Then 1 or 2 years later, he decided to move 600km away from me (to his new partner). Then I only saw him a maximum of 3 times a year. However, my life was still pretty good. However, since I only enjoyed the development of my mother, I especially appreciate that at the beginning of my puberty the male part was missing. When I entered grade 5, my stepfather's mother became pregnant and I got a brother. The only problem was that my stepfather was an arloch. But they were together for another 2 years (say, until grade 7). For me, it was normal that my mother howled when I came into the living room, etc. In addition, my stepfather has extremely marginalized me from the family. (Voted for trifles, I should eat dinner in my room separately, …). During this time I also lost my self-confidence and became terrible in the school, besides, I was only hanging on my Playstation. After my mother had separated from her stepfather, it was slowly but surely in the family uphill again. Unfortunately, I was emotionally totally destroyed anyway. Well, anyway, I have since year after year, more and more rattled and since the beginning of 2019, I have found a really good lifestyle (healthy eating, showering cold, sports, self-esteem, meditation, nofap, etc…). The problem is that I have (because of missing father, self-confidence, …) quite little experience with girls, which one should have done at my age. I've never had a girlfriend and pretty much no female friends. Even my male friends have few female friends.

How do I manage to catch up on my "father experiences" and also get female friends?

Sry for the long text, I hope I understand halfway what I mean.


First of all, at the age of 17 not everyone had a girlfriend or experience with girls, that's nothing unusual.

Pay attention to girls in everyday life, give them glances, give them a smile - if they react, then dare to speak to a girl. And do not be afraid of setbacks or a drain, that's part of it too.


So… You have found a good way for you to stay on the right path, and I admire that you… Like a stick-up man have mastered your still very young life until now… At you many boys should take an example

What happened to your stepfather, of course, has left scars, but he is a thing of the past…

And now it's really uphill with you… That's really great…

I lost my dad at the age of 13 … He died of lung cancer…

So, like you, I grew up with just one birth parent…

My mother also got to know a man… I was 18 at the time and left… Mama moved to him too… He died years ago… The relationship to my mother is great… I read through your lines… To your Ma insists a good wire…

The spouse of my mother had also been constantly struggling with me… That's kind of jealousy… With you, the j was even more extreme…

But look forward now… Keep your course…

Now you have psychologically stabilized… And in your life, the girl will come, what suits you…

I've always been very shy, too, but made friends with boys… Stay relaxed… Give yourself the way you are…

With your very nice nature and your strength, you will someday have the security to approach girls… Do not put yourself under pressure…

That will be…


Thank you very much for the nice comment.


I (w | 15) am also from my 5/6. Year of life grew up without a father, I visited him like you on the weekends until he died (in my case), when I was just visiting. Personally, unlike the other girls in the classroom, I have an extremely low self-esteem and self-esteem, even though I try to overplay it with a funky personality. Personally, I did not have a boyfriend or anything like that, while a few in my class already have one - but I'm just not interested in such a thing. The 6th graders, however, talk about the whole time in which boys they were in love and what great friends they have (in the age you can hardly call that "love", rather imagination). So you do not have to have a girlfriend right now and, I mean, if your friends do not have any girlfriends, then… You do not have to feel compelled to do anything.

Anyway, I hardly think that your low self-esteem or self-confidence comes from growing up without a father, but from just being isolated and either not knowing how to deal with other people or giving you too much thought What they would think of you, if you would address them one way or another. In my case, from the beginning I simply was not really able to approach the other children after moving to another village, away from my dad - it has been getting worse over the years. I could only win friends as they approached me. In elementary school, I then started to act like a dog to others, chasing after them and doing whatever they wanted to have "friends". In the second class, however, I have partially stopped it and in the fourth grade moved away in the middle of the year, my only two girlfriends away. After that I never found any more friends, whom I could name without hesitation. My mother now has a boyfriend, for whom I warmed up after almost a year, and in some situations I still have a strong distance to the day.

With the healthy diet, training, ect. Have you already done more than me (^_^)

Do not just think too much about what the girls might think about you, smile, pay attention to them. But you do not have to hurry to find a girlfriend (n_n)


Gladly… Nice that you like it…


Thank you for the star * and… Believe in yourself…