PS4 hangs in the game and in the menu?

- in PlayStation

I have a PS4 Slim and when I play FIFA games the game hangs every 5 minutes. It works in the FIFA menu, but when I go into a game (online / offline) I have a 10 second still image. I also can't go to the PS4 menu and when I get to the menu it also hangs there. So it's up to the PS4. In one year I also had the problem that the PS4 can't start properly and I had to reinstall it about 10 times in one year, which is really annoying. Can someone help me? I have good Wi-Fi with 75 mbit / s. I don't know what to do.


Delete any messages you have really gotten all and sort out the friendship list, there will be a lot of people and if you have a background that is actively moving take the still picture

Removing friends and deleting messages can be annoying, I know, but if I remember correctly you can go up to a second bar if you are in the normal ps4 screen go to Messages / I think you can delete all of them at once

I also did and then it went great again

Otherwise, free up some memory, i.e. Delete old games


Oh and never have two games or so open at the same time, which is a burden on the PlayStation. Also keep in mind is ne Selim and is also a few days old


Hi, I'll give it a try, but I think that doesn't help much, I only used 60 GB of 450 possible ones


Unfortunately it didn't work


Yes then you don't need to throw games down but the messages and friends have something to do with hanging the playstation menu that always takes forever to load

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