Upload Ps4 Score?

- in PlayStation

My buddy asked me to log into his ps4 account with his ps4 account to kill him a boss at Bloodborne.

(So, so to speak: I go to his acc and quickly take over his problem)

Question 1 is: How can I download his game status to my Ps4 (without USB stick)

if I had the same score as him then I could start killing the boss right away.

Question 2: If I killed the boss, how can he upload my saved game to his console?


If he has ps plus he can press the start button during the game (ON THE CONTROLLER) the game must be over. Then upload / download to savegames. Then upload the game and you then download it again and at the end after the boss the other way around


Why don't you just join him with your Bloodborne savegame? He can summon you with this little bell… And you can then finish off the boss together. It's much more fun! And your buddy learns at the same time how to proceed with the boss.

If you both have PS-Plus, you don't need to upload and download saves…

Your buddy should simply load the game, invite you to a PS party and activate SharePlay via the PS party and hand over control to you. So you can do the boss on your console, on the console of your buddy… And he can watch you and you can even chat together. Works wonderfully, because a buddy of mine has already done a DMC boss for me this way.