Response time monitor for gambling?

- in PlayStation

If one notices a difference when gambling with the PS4 when I change from a monitor with 5ms reaction time to 1ms reaction time.

Especially with shooters, the reaction time is so important, but you really feel something in this 4ms difference?


I think the controller latency plays a more crucial role than the screen.


It is said below 5 ms you notice no difference anymore.


The reaction time has not much to do with inputlag and co. Typical error. The image quality will lower the response time, the better the moving picture gets sharper and the less / no ghosting - which is sometimes very slow on slow panels.

That you can see under 5ms no difference is nonsense, you see the i.d. Very clearly.

The problem: The information on the monitors are not standardized and also mostly '' gray to gray '' information - that means how fast the pixel can change from one to the other gray, the actual reaction time of z.b. Green to blue is much higher.

According to the manufacturers can therefore not go, there are z.b. Mass white 2ms reaction time monitors which are actually faster than those given with 1ms. Only external tests help here.

So if you have a problem with blur, ghosting etc. Pp. Hast - you will notice a difference to the new monitor massively, if you have a problem with inputlag and co, a purchase of a PC would be more useful.