I know that you should always play with LAN cable but makes so great sort of difference when I gamble with Wi-Fi PS4 that is so grossly different?

- in PlayStation

I know the man with LAN cable should always play but makes it so great kind of difference, if I gamble with WLAN PS4 that makes such a great difference? Due to my lack of space I might have to play with wireless or I would have to buy me 5-10 meter LAN cable and the door to the other side of the room with cable channels etc. Darher my question makes it so great difference if man plays with WLAN instead of LAN cable? Distance from the ps4 and router in the same room to the monitor about 3.5 meters


Depends on your Wi-Fi signal.

and where the console plays

and of course what your ambitions are. So I play on Wlan, router is far away and I notice now no problems.

But I'm not a professional gamer but a casual player


Removal of ps4 to the monitor 3 meters approximately


It is not about the monitor xD. This distance does not really matter


Ok the distance from the router to the monitor 3.5 meters.


Well that's nothing. And why do you have to lay 10 meters cable if it is not so far away?

just try it. Wi-Fi is available immediately and try it out


Wi-Fi can cause an unstable connection, which then causes ingame to swing back and forth relatively heavily.

How strong this is depends on the signal strength and sources of interference in the environment.


The distance is in Wlan in most cases only second interesting.

More important is how good the network is and if there are glitches.

Wi-Fi is just radio. And funk is disturbed by everything and everyone.

Wi-Fi is always an option, but not a must.

At KAbel you know the exact transfer rate, which does not change in the cable itself.