Headache from playing?

- in PlayStation

Hi, because of the "Corona vacation" I'm back on my PS4 and play there 6-9h every day. After using it, I always get a headache. Could it be because of it? If so, what to do? Rest, sleep, go out?


Yes, it could be because you only fix your eyes on the screen. That's why you should take a break every now and then.


Yes, it can come from that. When playing, there's a sensory overload of the eyes, plus the forced posture of the head and spine.

You should take a short break every 30 minutes to an hour, get up to drink something and give your eyes a break.

And fresh air is always good.


That happens in the beginning. But your body gets used to it.


You have to play less. It is best to switch off the gamble completely for a few days and go for a breath of fresh air or something similar. The excessive consumption can lead to long-term damage.


If you tend to have a headache while playing, you should take a break every 1-2 hours. 5-10 minutes, take a breath of fresh air and shake out your body. If that doesn't help, then all you have to do is reduce the playing time.


Yes, that was my first thought, but I've been playing for a while and therefore didn't really know what to do.