Play Headache After Playstation?

- in Nintendo

So my problem is this, I got a PlayStation a couple of months ago and now have a couple of games for Christmas, only I have the problem that I get a headache after about 1 hour. I used to play wii you and ps quite often and for quite a long time, but I haven't played for several years now. Can it be that I'm simply "out of practice" or is it more due to the games I play? I'm sitting far away from the screen and not crooked or anything, so I thought to myself I'm just asking out of pure interest.


For me it is always the case that I drink too little, because I always get a headache quickly

if you do that, it can also be the case if you concentrate continuously without a break

it can of course have "no" reason, maybe your body just needs a little more rest


Maybe it's also the eyes. Your eyesight might have become weaker, you often don't notice it.


So I've been wearing glasses with pretty strong myopia for as long as I can remember. Maybe it could be because of it.


May be. If the last eye test was a long time ago, I would just have it checked.


Then think about what your body wants to tell you with a headache.

only I have the problem that I get a headache after about 1 hour.

then you're not just asking for interest.

Maybe you should take a break for a while and see if your headache is better.

Maybe you also need glasses and have not yet noticed that your eyes are worse, which also causes headaches.

In the meantime, you have also gotten a little older and if you sit for 1 hour, you also have a wrong posture.