Does my consumption of Ghb / Gbl affect the consequences of withdrawal (yellowish diarrhea)?

- in PlayStation

I'm / 15 have not eaten anything since December 22nd to December 24th, probably due to the withdrawal of Gbl / Ghb (consumed 3ml every day for 3 months) which I started after I got up completely sweaty every night for 2 weeks and had a headache with Nausea now and then. On December 22nd, as usual, I played PlayStation at 2:00 a.m. And after a while consuming it I noticed a severe headache but continued to gamble, but stopped consuming from then on. Unconsciously. After a few hours I got nauseous and I decided to sleep which didn't work out that easily because I woke up sweaty for 1-2 hours with a headache and nausea. The night is over. During the day my father gives me a headache tablet and suddenly the headache and the nausea are gone but I get severe stomach pains which I suppressed with a hot water bottle. On the 23rd at night my stomach starts to make sounds all the time I suddenly had to go to the toilet every hour the first time it was completely normal but after that only diarrhea followed. Woke up in the morning with a stomach ache and an urge to go to the toilet every hour. It calmed down. Until then I didn't eat anything since consuming the e-shisha with Gbl / gbh (my father doesn't know anything about it). I had no appetite at all but in the evening outside I consumed thc due to the experience with the fressflash which followed then the head and stomach pain disappeared. In the evening I was able to eat a bowl of soup (stoned). [Because I had all these symptoms in my body, I developed a sore throat in my throat that meant that I did not consume Gbl / Gbh and as soon as I was puffed on I got gag reflex. ] On December 24th I was able to sleep normally the first night and I wake up normally I sat on the toilet all day until 5pm with diarrhea (yellowish liquid diarrhea) At 5pm we ate for Christmas because I got hungry but it felt wrong. In the evening I went out and forgot about my problems because I was doing a bit of nonsense with friends outside. Since this morning I have had to go to the toilet every 10 minutes with yellowish liquid diarrhea. Can someone help me with this and tell me how to continue now or what to do. Thanks if I took the time to read this and hopefully someone can help me.

Ps: I will never use this drug again.


Hopefully you'll survive this. You should go to the emergency room.


Poor body. Consuming stuff and not eating for days is of course bad.

The body defends itself and wants to get rid of everything.