Which LAN cable to buy for PS4?

- in PlayStation

I'm moving soon and plan to put the wireless router in my gaming room. I have a 100k line, now the question arises for me, which LAN cable is best? The people who know about it are probably freaking out right now, sorry, I have no plan for that. The distance from the router to the console is not long either, 1.5-2m maximum. It should offer the best possible and most stable connection. What is the best? CAT5? CAT5A? CAT6? CAT7? There lose track.

Thanks in advance. And please don't have for my ignorance ^^


CAT7 is completely sufficient,

the transfer rates should also be there.


Thank you for your answer.


Cat5 is perfectly adequate. Just take the cheapest one. You won't notice a difference.


On the route everything from cat5 is sufficient. But I would not take the cheapest one, the cheap cables usually have bad and / or too little plasticizer, so they are toxic or can't be laid easily. Apart from that, some cheap manufacturers like to print things on the packaging that do not quite correspond to reality.

I say from 6 euro up you should get something clever… By the way: use a round cable. With the flat one, the wires are not twisted. And it's not about otherwise twists pair.

lg, anna

PS: if you freak out when asked, you should in my opinion Don't take part here or just skip such questions. There's no shame in not having a clue. You asked sensible questions, then you deserve a sensible answer

PPS: how do you intend to implement the cable for the router (i.e. The connection to the telephone line?

I only ask because I want to help


Thank you for your answer.


All right, thanks for your answer.

However, I do not understand your question. Can you put it differently?


Well, if you want to put your router in the gaming room, you also need a telephone connection there…

is it already there? Will you put it there? How are you going to do it all in all?


The telephone connection is already there.


Ah so… Then you don't need any help with that:-)


Yes, thanks anyway. But I have one question: Can you connect and operate two Wi-Fi routers in one apartment? With the same login details?


No, unfortunately that will not work. But what you can do is to connect one to the router in which the modem is installed, which is connected via ethernet. Then you have two separate networks because of the firewall.

if the separation of the networks is not important, you can also use a so-called access point so that you create a second Wi-Fi cell.

Lan not working on PS4? Mo Mohamedstore