Upload keeps breaking off. What to do?

- in PlayStation

Tonight, after a long time, I tried to record a video on the ps4 and upload it, because streaming is absolutely not possible due to the poor internet connection.

However, when I uploaded I had the problem that it kept breaking off.

I'm absolutely not an expert when it comes to technology. I restarted the router and checked the upload speed, which is really very low.

For this reason I actually switched providers and now have a 6000 line. But it feels like nothing of it.

I would be very happy to receive help 🙏

Upload keeps breaking off. What to do

For a 6,000 line cable, however, a great deal is important. With a 6,000mbit line, you actually don't even have a 1mbit upload speed. A LAN connection from the PS4 to the router can help solve the problem. Have you tried it before?


Tried it. Is still very slow but has worked without crashes so far. Thank-you