Why does it bother me that my girlfriend is better than me in the shooter on PS4?

- in PlayStation

For example Call Of Duty. A game that I played for the first time 10 years ago (then 16 or so) on the computer. Back then I couldn't get any real kills with the fully automatic weapons. Semi-automatic never worked and Sniper never worked anyway) and nowadays on Playstation 4 I still can't seem to do it. And I've always been worse than most of my friends.

My girlfriend and I haven't gambled for about 1-2 years and I think she hasn't played for a long time. That's just what makes me so uncomfortable. Trdm she was extremely better on one of the two rounds
1. Play i 4 kills them 4kills
2. I play again 4-5 kills they 10 kills. I know I sound like a total sexist where the man can't admit defeat to the woman and maybe that's how it is, but I don't want that. I don't want to be a sexist, I want to be able to deal with it, unfortunately this doesn't let me sleep for days

we will probably gamble the days again and when I'm worse again and she teases me again, even if it's just for fun, but I want to avoid an escalation and talk to her normally about it and tell her that it offends me. I don't want to change the game after the second round of multiplayer like last time because I'm pissed.
I also want to be better than them or, best of all, equally good in order to be able to play comfortably.

any tips from gamblers and gamblers.


Would bother me hard too

thank god i'm above average and my wife is not

I don't know, it would be difficult for me too, but I have a steep learning curve, I would play until I was better

Of course, it could also never happen because my assets would be worse

i know a few, she plays a lot better than him lol, she diamond 2 which is really good and he only gold 3 which is slightly above average

she no longer plays with him because he is too bad for her

is hard for him ^^

I really don't know, you just have to get better or live with it or stop playing


Why do you want to tell her that? Then what should she do with the info?

Just learn to deal with it - what does it say in the end, except that you have a fragile male ego?


Why does it bother you? Well, it scratches your ego. So either build self-worth or lower expectations of yourself.

Tell her that if she teases you with it right now, you're not good at it.

And tell yourself that this is about the fun and that you are not a better or worse person because you are losing. You have other qualities. Write a list of what you are good at.

Perhaps it will also help you to just try to change your perspective and enjoy her victory with her?


Why do you want to tell her that? Then what should she do with the info?

Take this into account e.g.


How should one take this into account? Let the other person win?


No, but stop teasing him about it too


Isn't it enough to just say, "Please don't tease me about this"?


That's how I understood it * shrug * Besides, why shouldn't he be allowed to talk to her about his feelings, just to have talked about them. It's good for the relationship if you can talk to something like that, I think.


I'm not saying that he shouldn't talk to her about it, I just didn't understand the intention for it.


Are you a bad loser, there are always people who are better than you are, you have to deal with or practice to get better


Probably because of your ego. But I wasn't better before. Hated losing to my sister back then. I'm laughing about it now. And when I win, I enjoy it 😄 I also think it's cool that girls / women are better than us men 😁


Do you mean rainbow six siege?


No, league of legends