What can I do for you in this situation?

- in PlayStation

It is so I can't help my girlfriend because I can't understand how she acted and I hope you can help me that I can advise her well my girlfriend has been with her boyfriend for eight years they have had some difficulties together and They had some good times together they also have two children but at the moment things did not go well between them their friend met another girl at a playstation game my girlfriend found out and he said that he had feelings for you within five days has developed and that they are already somehow together even though they have not kissed once or something else my girlfriend has not thrown him out as it would have done but she is in the hope that he still loves and can do not separate from him and do not want to separate from him my girlfriend has before k Shortly after she started her education she became pregnant relatively young now she was alone and she also fears that she would not make it without him it is also a reason why she does not throw him out I do not know what to say because it already a few times so that they had separated and then come together again but I hope you can help me to find a suitable answer and maybe solution for you because currently she is ready and ready and do not know what to do and he does yes always hopes and he says he still loves her and no idea what I think he uses them only from hotel and would like to keep them warm if it does not work with the other my friend would not listen to me and therefore am I despair and do not know what to do and therefore turn to you I thank you for your answers


She should have a serious conversation with him and make him decide that he should decide. Either one or the other. Maybe she should also talk to her parents or to friends like you, to help her if he chooses the internet girl.


You've talked to each other before, maybe I should have mentioned and he said he can't decide so he's just having a relationship with two people


You can keep reminding her that he is not good for her, but in the end she has to come alone. Of course, having children with him and being financially dependent on him makes it all the more difficult. You can show her ways she could do it alone. Ultimately, it's not your problem, and if she does not want to split, that's her right.

And please use in your next post punctuation, that was very tiring to read.


I can already understand your girlfriend, because they already have children, which of course they do not want to raise alone. For the children, it is not nice to be raised only by a parent. I would advise your girlfriend to talk openly about the topic with your partner, maybe it helps her when you are there and you stand by her side, so that she does not feel alone. Of course, both are still very young parents, but responsibility, especially with regard to children, has the highest priority here. Evtl sees the father of the children the affair with the other woman only as fun or distraction what is not really ripe in my eyes and unfair to his wife. She has the job and he enjoys it. That is not how it works! In most cases a couple therapy makes sense, if both sides agree, it would be a pity to throw in the relationship if there are already children in their lives.


This is an absolute no go, if your girlfriend does not feel like a love triangle. Then I think she should give him an ultimatum. Maybe she should give him two days to think about it, and if he has not decided yet, your girlfriend, including children, could move in with someone who does not have a problem with it - or throw him out (which does not have that much effect).


Thank you very much

Sorry about the missing punctuation. I did not think that this could disturb anyone.


A restart is difficult for many people, especially if they are trapped in a familiar rut for a very long time.

Currently her fear may outweigh her. Fear of "how can I do it alone". Fear of "being alone" (being single). Perhaps also afraid that in the future no other man could be interested in her because she has two children (here it should be said, out there, on this planet, there are a lot of guys who have no problem with it if a woman is already a mother, so it was my parents at the beginning too).

Sometimes the pain of suffering has to be big enough until you are ready to act. And sometimes you wait in a seemingly hopeless situation, clinging to "in the old days everything was fine", until the "still" partner pulls the ripcord and goes.

If you have found out through discussions with your girlfriend where your current fears are, then you have the opportunity to filter out the following necessary steps. Either she does that step by step on her own, or you help her with it.


Thank you very much! I will definitely suggest it to her.


I wish your girlfriend all the best and hope that it goes out well for her!