Why is Dolby Digital 5.1 not playing on Disney +?

- in PlayStation

First of all, a happy new one!
now to my concern:

I would like to watch Disney + 5.1 films in Dolby Digital 5.1 with my Android TV app. The sound is transmitted via Toslink, the settings on the AVR and the TV are correct.
In any case, my AVR automatically switches to Dolby Digital for films with 5.1 soundtracks in the TV apps Netflix and Amazon! With Disney +, on the other hand, he persists in stereo or ProLogic-II.

An alternative would be Disney + via the PS4 app, which is connected to HDMI. But then I don't have 4K quality and Dolby Vision is also missing, so rather counterproductive.

Is the problem well known at Disney + or have I set something wrong?


Does the content also have 5.1?



Are the SW productions and they are marked with 5.1