Battlefield 4 still playable on PC and ps4?

- in PlayStation

I recently got Battlefield 4 for the Ps4 and the first question would be how I can find lobbies faster it takes a long time. Oh yes, and I think it's stupid that you have to buy everything to play multiplayer. But otherwise I like the game, I just can't find any lobbies. And the second question would be whether it is better with the PC? Or do I have to wait forever for lobbies? And do you have to buy each mode first?


It is faster on the PC because there's very likely an SSD. Otherwise it could be due to the internet, do a speed test


Battlefield 4 has no lobbies, it has servers. If nobody buys servers, there's little to play with. I would always search for the servers manually instead of being connected via Quickplay.


Search manually on the Ps4 using the server browser. There are fewer servers on the Ps4 than on the PC.


Where does that make sense? That has something to do with the servers, not the loading times.


How exactly does it work?


I have kan0p 500 mbts so everything fits from the internet 😂😂😂


On the PC this was done via Battlelog, on the PS4 you have a server browser in the game.


That's why I wrote that it could also be due to the internet!


So do you mean buy on pc?


That with the SSD still makes no sense.


It has to do with the fact that, unfortunately, BF4 is more or less dead. This has nothing to do with an SSD or the network connection.


The game can be played normally on the Ps4. You just have to filter the servers manually. This means you can always decide for yourself what you want to play which time.


On the PC you also have a server browser in the game (plus for the Battlelog), you are probably confusing BF4 and BF3.


That can be of course. I haven't played BF4 in years. And then mainly on the PS4 than on the PC.


No! It's only like that in most games. Nobody said ONLY for servers, I mean loading times in general


What you say just doesn't make a little sense. It's not about loading times, but about finding a suitable match. The player can't influence that at all, except for all at most through his own internet speed, but even that doesn't play a big role in this, depending on the matchmaking system.


Now again… PC is generally better than PS4 because of the components. PS4 only has a normal hard drive and PC a fast SSD. I mean I would generally exchange it!


Nevertheless, it makes no sense to talk about an SSD when it comes to something completely different. Not every PC is better than the Ps4 and not everyone has an SSD installed. You can tell that you have no idea about the subject.


It's not a reason to be offensive right away, maybe I don't know about the Internet, but I know about hardware.


And where did I offend you? You don't do anything except twist words. And obviously you have no idea about hardware yourself, otherwise you wouldn't claim that PCs are generally better than the Ps4 because the Ps4 only has one HDD, although theoretically you could put an SSHD in the Ps4 and not every PC one SSD has.


Now for the 3rd time "If your PC even has an SSD"! Please read the answers carefully before you hammer on the keyboard that I have no idea about hardware, it is not for nothing that I have already assembled 4 PCs and know which components are good and which are not. And now I don't want to repeat myself a 4th time, are you one of those ads people who are completely confused?


I've already read your answer, but it still doesn't make sense. It was all about the fact that matchmaking takes a long time. It doesn't matter if you have an SSD or an HDD, because it makes no difference in matchmaking. You just don't want to understand, instead you keep coming up with the same stupid answer that has nothing to do with the subject.

You're far from being an expert just because you've built a few PCs, after all, it's very easy. Anyone who watches a 10 minute YouTube video can do that.

Especially the double standard of accusing myself of offending you, but of being offensive in response to it.

You don't even understand what this is about and then act as if you knew everything. Nevertheless, you did not respond to my arguments, nor did you bring any yourself. The only thing you've done so far has been contradicting yourself and twisting my words.


And he also asked if it was better with Pc, and yes…

Several people are playing on the PC, and the problem with matchmaking is no longer that great, that's why I said PC would be better.

Several factors also play a role, e.g. An SSD, "if there's one" haha🤦🏻♂️

With an SSD you have better loading times, because of the graphics card, more frames per second (depending on the graphics card) and better graphics (generally with a PC, not SSD!)

That means… With the PC it would definitely be easier

One more thing… I didn't say I was an expert either, huh? XD

And I also try not to twist your words, as far as I got it, you haven't contributed anything here, you're only here because you were looking for someone to discuss and found him, and I'm here now and waste my time…

I say as it is, PC would be better, period


Oh man, you just still haven't checked it. Either you do not want to understand it or you are mentally incapable of… 🤦🏻♂️

All of your "arguments" still make no sense at all, because they don't even affect the matchmaking a little, as this is done entirely by the server. Matchmaking is not a loading time, but the duration until the server has found a suitable match. Therefore it makes no sense to talk about an SSD, because it has nothing to do with the topic. I've been making arguments throughout, but of course you're doing nothing but twisting the truth. Either you can't argue at all or you do it on purpose.

I contributed more to it than you did with your "arguments", which don't even begin to make sense.

You said you knew your way around hardware and building a PC alone doesn't make you an expert, how should I have called something like sunshine? A "connoisseur" or what?

You haven't made a single argument about what has anything to do with the topic and you ignore every one of my arguments. I brought quite a few in opposition to you

You can tell that you have no idea about this topic here, about the hardware or the argumentation.


I think you did not understand it, now I will explain it again for the terminological, I would generally switch to PC because a lot is better there, not because of matchmaking (what is better on the PC because MORE players play there), what do you understand not about it! Read this carefully

Nobody said that everything is better because of the hardware, I don't know whether you dreamed that or not, because there are daydreamers too😂

And I know for sure that it has to do with the servers, I never said anything else

Ps. Next time please read carefully


Of course you said it was the hardware, you said all along that it could be the SSD. On Ps4 there are also a lot of players in BF4, even more than in the newer parts. And more players does not necessarily mean that you can find matches faster, as the matchmaking system looks for a suitable server and not just any one.

Argue so badly and then change everything in the end. You don't even read my answers correctly and keep repeating the same sentences all the time.

You didn't make a good argument, you twisted my statements, changed your own statements afterwards and still understood absolutely nothing, but then you still say that I should read carefully. I have read every one of your statements and responded to them, while you ignore each of my arguments and then claim that I have not contributed anything so far, although unlike you, I'm not talking nonsense.

If you knew that it was about servers, why do you talk about an SSD 80 times when it obviously has nothing to do with the topic? Even another commented under your answer that it has nothing to do with SSDs, but you still hold on to it. In the end, you still admit that I'm right because you have no other arguments.

Each of your statements either made no sense or had nothing to do with the topic. I assume that you are mentally unable to follow my arguments.

That would end the subject for me.

PS: Next time, think before you write an answer. 🙂


Now these insults start again, and again, read my post carefully, just because of an SSD the PC runs faster, which is also an advantage!

I really don't know what your problem is or you're just b *** ing about it, it's easy to accept, I never said that an SSD has anything to do with matchmaking, I can lie to myself, I don't need a 14 Year old boy

You will see that you can get in faster on the PC, and then all of a sudden it says "Ehh, I said yes, I knew I was just kidding you".

The sad thing is, sue posts are getting longer and longer and that what you say doesn't help him, I'm just saying it, he'll find one faster on the PC…

Just because you think you have "many years of experience" but have nothing in the pear and pretend you know your way around

You also write that I'm mentally not able to understand that, for the time being ok if you mean that, but what are you if you can't see through my post after the 5th time? Mentally b ******* t or how can I understand that.

Because it looks like you're writing the same thing over and over here, but you don't have time to read through my post and accuse me of something that isn't the case

I'm sorry if this thread looks like this now, but I really can't do anything about incompetence and know-it-all

I only know it from my own experience, maybe you see it differently with your experiences what you were once said to you in school by the sports teacher who doesn't know his way around


Now these insults are starting again

Say something like that, but in the same huge text insult someone else as mentally disabled, defame them as clueless and put them down as a 14 year old child. Absolutely ridiculous. And then act as if you were the adult who always knows everything better.

that what you say doesn't help him

Instead of writing several texts here in which you claim something like this, you could have just looked at the other answers and saw my answer, which helped the questioner a lot more. In the meantime, your question has nothing to do with the topic and not only I pointed it out to you.

That only shows that you are extremely triggered by my statements. Instead of defaming me here, you could see if a tutor somewhere near you could teach you reasoning, because apart from twisting words and contradicting yourself you haven't done anything so far and while you're at it you can also learn a little spelling, cause you make one grow up but make mistakes like an elementary school student

You keep writing that I should read your answers and I have said several times that I do that too. I go into everything and refute your statements, while you went into absolutely nothing. You are just mentally unable to follow my arguments, your statements have shown me that.

The sad thing is that you will most likely never realize that you are wrong, simply because you live in your make-believe world, in which you are the adult and everyone who thinks differently than you are a little child without a clue. You constantly throw things in front of me that you do yourself all the time, continue to ignore what I'm saying and then act as if you had made the most blatant arguments.

In short: you are a blender.


So now I have to smile, you shouldn't take your mouth too full. Where did I write something with an adult, please, you make up stories, that's not normal, and yes, I have a lot of spelling mistakes because I was just typing on my cell phone in the car, because I still have a private life instead of 10 hours a day here Spending your time here and making an announcement to someone, but in reallife I would have given you a hearty announcement to come here and insult any random guy as mentally restricted, comes from sitting in the apartment all day because of lockdown and has nothing to do.

And what should I need a tutor for? Please explain to me. Bet you are one of many e.g. On TikTok which is called Hardware - **** and explains how to switch a PC on and on again

You say so much even though you don't know me. Ok, maybe I'll get very aggressive very quickly that I write something like that…

But that upsets me when someone who has been left behind in kindergarten drones me with things that are not right. E.g. "That I don't know anything about hardware". Until then, you probably didn't even know what an SSD was

But ah yes, your life is all about you because you have been given too much attention.

And if it doesn't suit you that you will find someone who can divide up because I won't let someone like you tell me.

You probably don't even know what an input lag is

So now we calm down again, they both go smoke and then the thing is over.


* turns on and off again


Cough haha cough

I'm hardly the one who started, and I think you still haven't understood my answer, but that doesn't make any sense to argue with you anyway because you always have to be right, ok, I mean, I might have one too Nerve disease, or even 3.

But that's no reason to deal with someone like that. I guess you're such a coma drunk where all brain cells are dead anyway.

To the motto, the wiser gives in, but no, the incompetent comes around the corner with a new text to do something, and when I read this post I just laugh and think what's going on with it, sorry, but it is so.

You have just declared war with "You have no idea about hardware".

Just because you think an HDD is faster. Go to Kreativecke or HardwareDealz. They'll knock you out, jerk you and throw you in a ditch if you say that in front of them. Betting here is a 12 year old who is pounding on the keyboard and has an IQ of toilet brush.

Somebody in the computer science class should have been careful xD

I'm sorry, but you can throw what you write in the bin


Somebody was triggered off badly. 😀

But the main thing is to put words in my mouth again that I never said. Shouldn't you be sleeping in the time? In kindergarten you can ask what double standards are.

And you should also be smart about hardware, as I said, you have no idea about it.


No, in another thread you wrote "Wait until February then buy" while I was writing a detailed post.

And no… I'm not triggered, I just think it's funny what a fool there's.

And remember one thing, when you were still in kindergarten, I already clarified your kindergarten aunt.


What does this have to do with another question? Nevertheless, you did not contribute anything and only talked about rubbish.

You can tell that you are triggered. That's why you write what feels like a thousand insults with several misspellings.

The only thing you clear up is your left hand.

I won't go into it any further.


Talk to my hand, oops, fell asleep




Who? Your spiritual maturity?


No, your bad sayings. Your parents are sure to be really proud of their degenerate son who insults others online for no reason because he can't do anything else in the Hartz IV booth. If you didn't write to me, you would definitely be with the lateral thinkers to discuss a flat earth.


Yes, my parents are proud of me because I've already achieved a lot, and you don't need to write about yourself because I know what kind of company you grow up in, on the street, going begging every day


Awesome classy front. You are definitely happy that you have carved the best piece of wood in the workshop for the disabled.

I'm off. In contrast to you, I still have to work instead of watching the state in the Bruchbude RTL. Your parents must be proud that you figured out how to get more money from the state without leaving your Messi apartment.


It's just sad that I earn more than your whole Hartz family


In your dreams maybe.


No, I'm not a daydreamer like you, I only dream at night


So do you admit only seeing money in your dreams? Interesting.

Then I'm gone for good.


I don't mean no

No don't go, it just got funny to look at so much stupidity while writing