Programming for beginners, do you have any tips?

- in PlayStation

A few months ago I looked at C # a bit, most of it worked. I dealt with html / pho and later I was tired of php and so on…

I don't want to start from scratch, so I kind of want to learn C ++ directly, but most say that would be too difficult and I only need programming language for video games, so websites and so I'm not interested. Rpg games, puzzle games, for pc (3d / 2d also vll), ps4, cell phone vll?

What should I do? Which programming language should I learn best?


So if you're serious about programming, buy a book. There are many good ones


There's an app on my phone called Mimo that helped me.


Make games for your cell phone… The easiest way is via Java (which also works on Windows and Mac). If you study every day, you will have your own app in 5-6 months:-) * celebrate


Programming is not about a specific programming language, but about understanding the concept and software architecture. Programs often consist of different software technologies.

If this is the case, you can learn all languages quickly and, through experience and communication with colleagues, determine the right language for the application area. And then there's usually no one answer.

I would recommend you to learn a language close to the hardware first, e.g. C. These languages are more difficult to handle, but you learn a lot about how programming works. If you get used to the comfort of a higher language from the start, it is more difficult to bite back. The peculiarities of these languages are relevant, however, in order to see through the programming completely. But only my opinion, we learned it the other way around during my studies, which I found to be a disadvantage. The head of the degree program has e.g. Seen differently.


I don't want to start from scratch, so I somehow want to learn c ++ directly, (…)

Yes, I would recommend starting from scratch. 😉

C ++ is often discouraged because the learning curve is not as low as in other languages (such as PHP). But that's just advice that you don't have to follow.

(…) I only need programming language for video games, (…)

C ++ is often not necessary for this. Suitable options would be Lua or C #.

What should I do?

Using the search function here on the page would not be wrong. How to prepare for game programming or various special languages (C #, C ++, …) has been answered here quite often. You will also find numerous tips on resources, etc.

Which programming language should I learn best?

With Processing, you could develop mini-games such as Space Invaders, Snake, Peg Solitaire, Super Mario or Breakout for PC and also for Android OS quickly, easily and very easily, because compared to other languages, the interface for drawing is easier to use (and central concept the area). Many games can be easily integrated into the learning process (e.g. Pong or Conway's Game Of Life).

It is not difficult to switch later from Processing to Java or C #. In order to deal with some basic concepts of (game and general) programming, I consider the language to be optimal.

Otherwise, the languages already mentioned are suitable. With game engines (like CryEngine or Unity) you can develop games for PS4, PC and Android. You can also check out tools such as Corona SDK (for Lua) or MonoGame (for C #).

Before you start programming the game, you should be sure of the basics of the language you choose.

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