How many regeneration breaks do I need (fitness)?

- in PlayStation

I'm finally training in the gym again. Before it closed thanks to Corona, I was able to actively build a lot of muscle for 3 months, since I had been training at home for about 3 years before, only unfortunately often irregularly and with too long breaks that often lasted for several weeks. There were very active phases and very well… I prefer to lie on the couch and play on the PS4. Therefore, this was nothing new for my body and could build muscle faster.

At the time (in front of the gym) I was just a little bit headless with the fitness sport since I was still very young. That's why I never really dealt with regeneration breaks.

It means that one should not train until the sore muscles can still be felt or are only minimally present.


I personally would like min. Go to the gym 4 times a week and do a HIIT workout at home 3 times a week. Who cares about the HIIT workouts by Sacha Huber (Fitness Youtuber). Plus a 10 minute morning workout every day. What is important to mention is that I will not include any stretching exercises after the workout, as this can hinder muscle building, even if it reduces muscle soreness. Warm-ups and so on are a matter of course. (By the way, I'm 16 years old, maybe that's important for you to know, to be on the safe side.) I would usually be in the gym from 5pm to 6pm or 7pm. Usually speak 1 to 2 hours of the respective unit. I will probably separate the upper body and leg units. So once the upper body and the other day the legs. Then there are all the important proteins in a shaker and something medium in size for eating where all the important nutrients are content but also with a focus on protein. Just not too much because of the cholesterol level, you know.

Now to the real question: Do you think that this training plan is good for a half-experienced and how long do you think my training breaks should be.

I'm always open to suggestions for improvement and look forward to learning something new.


2-3 days of regeneration per week are enough. So you can train 5x-4x a week.

Back then I trained 6 times a week without any problems


So if you are training hard you should take a break at least every 3 days and not train for a day.

you should also make sure to eat more calories than your body actually needs.


Don't do too much. Not much helps a lot on earth a hnv habits through any training. After at least the first months of a gk plan to get in. Then you can split. 2 days break a week at least.

I will not include stretching exercises after training, as this can hinder muscle building, even if it reduces muscle soreness

It is right not to stretch an irritated muscle after exercise. However, stretching does not hinder the build-up and also reduces muscle soreness. To remain supple, stretching is recommended.


You want to do 4x real workouts, 3x a week HIIT, before that 10 minutes morning workout? Then when would you like to regenerate? Leave out the HIIT poop, this is absolutely counterproductive when it comes to building muscle. And I also think these morning workouts are senseless.

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