Afraid of console handover (ebay)?

- in PlayStation

I come from Switzerland and have advertised my Playstation online. (on tutti, if that says something to anyone.) Is actually the most popular site. You can't buy the item on the site, but contact the seller via email and then negotiate the price and provide bank details and post by mail from the buyer, etc. I've already sold dozens of things. However, they were only small. That means, I got the money transferred and the next day, for example, Nen alarm clock packed and delivered to the post office.
But now I have even bigger things to sell, such as fitness equipment, gaming pc, playstation with games etc.
Someone asked whether he could come and pick up my playstation 3 including 30 games this week. He would like to pick it up privately because shipping costs another 20 euro. I told him to transfer the money to me and when I have it, we can meet. Then he said it would take about 3-4 days until the money was in the bank account and he would need the console this week, stop as soon as possible.
He would then give me the money in cash…
Somehow I'm always skeptical about things like that, what if he holds a gun to my head or just runs away with the console?
And he gave me a fake cell phone number and email. There's a lot going on on such sites xD
I mean that has probably gone well 10 million times, but you never know…

Would I be insured there? You don't have to register on the site with an ID…


Collecting and cash is always safer than transferring and sending


Maybe meet up with a second person who is simply there in an emergency and can assist you

but personally I've done that quite often and nothing has ever happened before. So don't worry


You are never insured for private sales (usually)


Meet somewhere in public where other people are, then he won't shoot you down.



caution can also be exaggerated. Just meet up in a busy place, like to take someone with you.

But probably the one who wants the part is just cautious and doesn't feel like having his money gone.


I do not understand


The package is not sent, or the package is sent empty. Or the item is broken… There are now so many scams.

I only collect it and pay in cash


Hmm well, there's a postmark to make sure whether the package was ever handed in to the post… And you won't recognize a defective ps3 at a meeting either.


The postmark does not say whether there's a stone in it


Just because you e.g. Pick up a console, you won't see whether it really works. Check and mate


I don't care what you do Here in Germany, people are extremely warned against this, since now. About 99% are fraudsters. But everyone has to have their own experiences