PS4 in the garden house with 12v car battery and solar energy play possible? - 1

- in PlayStation

I want to fulfill a little dream. I have a small garden where no electricity can be found.

I have to operate my Playstation 4 with a 12V NRG Solar 120AH battery and a projector (max 50W power). For this I would like to put a voltage converter with 1000W and so that I do not always have to drag the heavy battery home to load it, I would like to grow a 50 W solar panel. A charge controller, I apparently have to buy synonymous if I understood correctly so that the battery is always charged correctly.

Is that in the realm of feasibility so you can play 3 to 4 hours at a time before the battery gives up your mind?

If it is possible to build something like this, it will last longer, or it will be short-lived because of the high demands on the battery or the like.

Unfortunately I do not have enough knowledge to imagine it exactly.


The battery has 1,4kWh. For 4h operation, the devices should consume on average only 350W. Assuming the efficiency of the inverter with 80%, then we're at 280W.

And to recharge the battery with a 50W solar module takes the 30h at 100% light and efficiency. I would guess that it is about 120h. That would be 20 days in 6 hours of sunshine. And I think that's still optimistic.

That's my rough assessment.

If you buy decent stuff that will last for 10 years or more.


So, purely mathematically, the PS4 needs 165 W

the Beamer 50 W together are 215 W. Times 24 it is 5160 kWh per day, you have to muster… This is a very nice amount…

As Kreasteve says, the battery is 1.4 kwh - so you will not be able to play 24 hours…

Even if you only want to play for 4 hours, 900 watts of lightning come together…

First of all, this 0.9 kWh must be able to supply the battery, secondly the inverter and, thirdly, the (measly) solar module must also recharge the whole thing…

So it would be better, you invest in a few more solar modules and produces a much higher voltage… Under 48 V, I would not even start. So that would be 4 of your modules, in series, scarce 200 W, which then fill 4 of your batteries in series in about 6 hours again sufficiently… Better, of course, would be more modules, since you probably want to zokken longer than 4 hours…

Expect that yourself… With your components, this will remain a wishful dream…


Error, this battery has no 1.4 kwh but only 360 wh.

Why are people bluffing big numbers, not asking what is concealed? A 100 hp car engine has this 100 hp only at a certain speed! One hundred horses could pull a fully occupied car comfortably!
Why does a 100 hp engine still need a gearbox? N / A?
You see, people have gotten used to questioning things, they are cheating.

Back to the battery, from which you can only get out, which is between full and empty. The things are full at about 14 volts, they are empty from around 11 volts!
Consequently, only 3 volts can be used and 3 V times 120 Ah are 360 Wh, period.

Explain something to me empty, so under 11 V could still be, except battery expose a meaningful heart attack.

Batteries usually only make sense with short-term stress.
For example, Starting the engine in the car. Usually only takes 10 seconds.


First, that's not nonsense. Secondly, you can do your own research.
Take the trouble, research well and put away your half knowledge. If you prefer to count yourself among those who believe only what they should believe, that's up to you.

Do not forget, it is always said that, publicized what serves certain interests. Even in science, much is purposely swept under the carpet, which should not upset anyone.

Again, try to think in reasonable contexts. Not just numbers with no connections.

A battery has only 3 possible states. Full, empty, broken.
Only that is usable between full and empty! And if you have paid attention, 12 V is in between. So it is neither full nor empty, but closer to empty.

You can't even get out of a bathtub or bucket of water than it is in there. After empty is over. So look for the typical data of different batteries and batteries, note when they are considered full and empty, then you learn something that you did not know before.

Have a good time.


Thanks for the information.

It's not that I do not think, but sometimes I do not get something. That may be.

I thought about the discharge curve of a lithium cell. And since the manufacturer's information is usually about 80-90% out.

That the nominal capacity refers to optimal conditions is already clear to me. But I do not think that you can use 14-11V = 3V for arithmetic. If you have a new battery then you get out already 70-80% of the energy that can be calculated with C * U. If he is older, the whole thing goes even further down.

In addition, the discharge curve is not linear, so this can't be with the 14-11. That would also mean, the better the battery is, so it can keep its voltage better constant, the less capacity it would have.

You are right in any case that there are certainly no 1,4kWh or they are only available under appropriate conditions.

The specification of the manufacturer has not been calculated / determined from nominal voltage to 0V, but even up to the end-of-charge voltage. At least that's how I see it.


Do not be fooled, mislead. The usual argument with sellers and manufacturers is always only what you benefit. Others are kept secret.

I talked about "connections," do you remember?
Example car battery. Also has 12 V and 60 or more Ah. Would be calculated 720 W. Now try yourself out the following, maybe you learn more about relationships. Leave a door open for 4 hours, say the interior light, or 12 hours for the radio to a low volume. Then try to start engine.

Interior lighting needs 20 W, radio needs 3 W. We're experiencing, after such a low load is often not enough to start the engine. Expect it, try to justify that.

When starting often up to 400 A are drawn for a few seconds. Also calculate that, 60 Ah are how many ampere-seconds? Usually only 3-5 seconds of battery are charged per start. Expect how often theoretically could be started, then check if that's possible.

Theory and practice has always been very different!
Try, calculate and establish the connections ;-)


Thanks for the quick replies,

I would like to play there only once every 2 weeks, or make movie nights with friends and only 3 to a maximum of 4 hours. That's why I do not want to invest so much in so many solar panels.

So instead of the 50W I would buy a 100W solar panel. Would everything then fit and could start with the project?

Realistir, I can't put a power cable because there's no power grid far and wide.


Hi deruser1973, I want if it comes up only once a week for 3 to 4 hours there games or film evenings. A 48 V system and I would not be necessary and too little expensive. I decided to buy two 12V batteries and connect them in series to get a 24V voltage. Is that ok?


I would prefer my generator solution addressed below, or organize a mobile fuel cell…

Unfortunately, a lead-acid battery is always an unfavorable solution, as realistir has already mentioned…

3 batteries would be enough, but you have to recharge them too - in the weather today rather difficult…

3x 12 V in parallel but then…


Realistir You are misleading people because it is not true what you are saying, stop telling such garbage

The indication Wh is a work and that is composed of voltage times current * time. The indication Ah is a fictitious indication and indicates how long a battery can supply a certain current for a certain time. So we assume you have 100Ah then the battery can deliver 1 A for 100h, then it is empty! Or just 10 A for 10 hours. If I want to know now which work in the battery drinsteckt I still need the tension. If we take the 12V at a 12V 110Ah battery the voltage drops from the beginning of 13V to 12V and stays there the battery is empty then the voltage drops to 11V and so it is empty.

So and with the given values stuck there just 12V * 110A * 1h in it are 1320V * A * h so about 1.3kVAh = 1.3kWh Because we know V * A results in DC also the W That the 110 VA battery not 110A one Delivering for an hour is another matter. So and we would use his values then you have 3V * 110A * 1h = 310 Wh and that's a bit puny For comparison you take 10 12V 35 W halogen bulbs and hang on this battery then it would be flat after 1 hour! Or as an example you load the parking light in the car with 36Ah and 2 * 10W = 20W, then it takes 36A * 1h * 12V = 432Wh: 20W = 21h until it is empty. That's why you can still normally start your car after 8 hours.

But with the values of the innocent expected would be the 3V * 36Ah = 108Wh and so further calculated is the battery after 5 hours flat and you do not even get the door open!

As I said these values are calculated with fully charged battery!

So and another 10 hours 12V * 10A are 120W for 10 hours! Or in the other example 10W power at 12V is 0.83 A and at the 20 W just 1.7A and 36 Ah: 2 A are still 17 hours (well rounded)