Help?! I can't start the robbery on gta 5 on PS4 it only says it's unlocked from level 12 but I'm already level 37. I have the luxury apartment and the planning room… Would like to do this Flecca robbery but somehow don't call Lester and restart nothing helps that has been going on for a few days, before that I only did other jobs or went running and jz where I want to do the robbery it doesn't work or am I doing something wrong?
It was the same for me. I called rockstar and then they resolved it.
Where can you call?
There are rockstar call centers in Germany. I don't know the number. But rockstargames writes support in German.
Until jz every number I found on the internet doesn't exist: /
That can't be. There's a supporter still in existence. I'll have a look.
Thank you very much.
If you are unclear then write to me