Delivery note = What was delivered?

- in PlayStation

Received an order from Expert today, 1 PS5 Digital Edition. However, I had ordered 2 so one with a drive and one without.

Now my question in the delivery note are both Ps5s although I only received one today, the package also said 1/1, so not 1/2 packages etc. The package was also big enough so that both fit in…

Could it be fraud? In any case, I contacted DPD and Expert directly both by phone and by email. Expert type couldn't help me or forwarded it to the responsible department that will contact me. Now I'm afraid that I'm really being fooled here, because as a buyer, as far as I know, you also have the burden of proof, but how should you prove that…

I opened the package immediately after receiving it and the messenger was already gone, everyone contacted, etc. And took a photo that there was only one Ps5 in it, etc.

Or can it simply be that everything that is in the delivery note does not have to be in the package, at least not in what is to come but in a future one? Hmm

I hope someone has had advice or similar experiences, etc.


Usually, the sender can determine whether one or two PS were in the package based on the weight.




It can always happen that the LS does not match the delivery. But that shouldn't be a problem. As I said, you can understand it with the weight. Claim it as soon as possible by email and Expert will then certainly take care of it.


Only one Ps5 is delivered per customer.


One for each variant. 1x PS5 digital 1x PS5 with drive. The digital arrived, the disc not yet.


Yeah, I hope so. Let's see what they write to me.


Have now looked at the parcel data so the sticker on the parcel there's 1st line weight 2nd line so directly below 1.00 kg? How can that be


Have you already paid? Or bought by invoice?

And look closely at the LS again. It happened to me that an ordered article was listed on the LS, but with the small note "no longer available". I would really not have noticed if the customer service hadn't pointed it out to me.


Put the package on the scales but with the entire packaging.


I've already paid and ne it says exactly the same on both PS5s. No comment that one was not delivered or anything else…


Did you pay by PayPal? Then you were also covered by the buyer protection?


I paid exactly via PayPal, which would not bring anything to the crunch because the seller also has his seller right through the delivery and it was now delivered.


And since the packaging was not obviously damaged (because then you would have had to refuse acceptance) you have the right to subsequent performance with regard to the remaining delivery.


If you complain immediately then, as far as I know, the burden of proof is reversed in the first 6 months. Means - the seller has to prove that it was delivered. And not you that you didn't receive it


So I would definitely report it to PayPal should there be no answer from expert in the next two days.

You can let me know how it turned out… For the sake of interest.


Yes, I'll wait and see what the expert writes to me, think that it's really nothing wild and everything was just a misunderstanding.


If it's your name and address you will only get a ps5.