Are there also consoles with less than 8 bit?

- in PlayStation

I once read that the capabilities of a console were specified in bits earlier in the se.sega master system and nes had 8 bits, Mega drive and snes had 16 bits, PlayStation and Sega Saturn had 32 bits and n64 had 64 bits. There are also consoles which had less than 8 bits?


No. 8 bits is one word width = 1 byte. No computer can work with less.


Maybe, but I also do not think so, the old brwon box, where PONG and son were still running…

In any case, 8 bits are the prerequisite for being able to input or output a superordinate clear test. That means you would not even have enough code for an entire alphabet plus digits…


With x bit the architecture of the CPU is indicated, since your Brown box did not even have a CPU this is unnecessary.


That's right. But that affects not only the architecture of the cpu but also that of the bus… And if the bus is only 4 bits wide, then only the serial transmission would remain, which requires an enormous computing power for those times…

lg, Anna

kurdish, the brownbox has probably a cpu… Or rather, she is the cpu… Just not in the form as we imagine today.


There were CPUs that had less than 8 bits, e.g. The

Are there also consoles with less than 8 bit But they were never used in a console. However, the 4004 was used in a pinball machine from Bally.


A-Z theoretically reach 6 bits…


But of course, you can also build a 2 bit Cpu.