PS4 controller connection problems?

- in PlayStation

I know such questions have been asked many times, but in my case it is very strange. And about 2-3 weeks ago the connection from my controller to the PS4 in the middle crashed when I switched on the Ps4 with the home button.

Then the controller only reacts in safe mode and nothing happens on the blue initial screen.

So I have now tested everything possible controller reset, tried several controllers, several cables, database rebuilt and initialized.

Now the following happens. In the meantime I have initialized several times and then everything went so far. PS4 setting set to network logged in etc. Controller went with cable and without cable… But as soon as my WLAN router is switched on, i.e. Whether it is connected to the PS4 or not, as soon as the router is on, the Ps4 suddenly throws all the controllers out and can no longer be connected to these…

When I connect Handy Hotspot everything works normally all the time, but as soon as the WLAN router is switched on, the controllers simply go out and don't even respond. Then I have to reset everything again in safe mode controller reset etc. And then the same game starts all over again…

I have already changed the Wi-Fi name and encryption and removed PS4 from the router and still the same problem…

Called the Internet bidder and asked, they can't help either…

Guys I'm really finished with my Latin. I can't think of anything more. I would be very grateful for your suggestions and help!


Evenutell place the router further away from the Ps4 and use a LAN cable, so the controller should not be disturbed anymore