Good friend doesn't do what I want?

- in PlayStation

I have a good friend and he doesn't care what I'm looking for.

When it comes to learning languages to playing games on the playstation. I'm currently in a depressed phase and just want to distract myself a little with what I enjoy. We decided to learn Japanese and Spanish and I said that I would like to learn Russian and Norwegian with him (because I have already started Norwegian but my old learning partner messed with them), but he means where I say "Hey, we can do what I wanted because we only do what you choose" and he said I shouldn't rely on him, he does what he wants and not what friends might want to do with him. Or, for example, with a game, I ask him we can't do that "don't mind" yes, great. I do so much that I don't feel like doing with him simply because he is he just means "you don't need that, I don't do that either" and with the language it turned out that way he said there that I wouldn't learn it if I don't like it, I said "I want to learn it, but if you're unsure about it and don't want it, I can leave it.

I just want to do something with him that I also enjoy, because I want to get away from my depression and distract myself.


That sounds a lot like coercion. You can't force anyone to do it. Your expectations are too high.

It has to be fun for both of us. You don't seem to be having fun with you.


Of course that sucks, do you have any other friends who could distract you? Or family members with whom you get along well? I think he's a pretty stubborn person: / but of course you can't force him to do anything.

I also wish you a speedy recovery from your depression.


Unfortunately not many, too many people broke off contact because it was simply too stressful, or these people broke off contact. Family is bad because, for example, my mother is sick, my father is sick, my brother has moved out. And yes, what am I supposed to do, everything will be just too much for me. I don't want to give this pain in me a chance. Unfortunately, that doesn't work unless others help me get through this situation. Should I talk to my friend again?


Yes, thank you, especially for the last part… (Not) I don't expect anything, only he has no appetite for anything if I want to do something with him, he only does things that he also wants with me but does NOTHING what I ask, I do I don't ask for much, I just want to sit down with him and learn the language, but he makes me feel very insecure because I don't want to be fooled when I've bought books or something and I'm starting to learn it. I live in poverty and can therefore afford such a bad thing for me


Then you don't go together. A friendship should be unconditional or give and take.

Leave it if it's not good for you


Yup, it's probably better. But when should i turn to have lost contact with many


Maybe try language groups / language forums.