Warzone (Free2Play) on Playstation 5 NOT playable?

- in PlayStation

I bought and installed Warzone on my new Playstation 5 for 0.25 cents. However, I can't play the game. In the selection menu, Warzone can't be selected - a lock can be seen on it. I don't have a PS Internet subscription, but the Playstation is connected to the Internet.

Why can't I play Warzone on Playstation 5?


A PS + subscription is required for Warzone.

It's free in the sense that Warzone doesn't require you to buy Modern Warfare, but you still need the online service.


Really? Do you need a subscription for Warzone?

OK. I downloaded the PS4 version. Can I still play it on my PS 5?

Only the training mission works for me, you know which one I mean. Always the same process, sometimes solo, then in pairs and then in a team.