I plan to upgrade the hard drive on my 500GB PS4. I have the choice between WD Red CMR and WD Black SMR. Which one would be more suitable?

- in PlayStation

I want to upgrade my PS4's 500GB hard drive because that's really not much. I can get WD products very cheaply, which is why I decided to use them. I initially planned to buy a WD Red Plus 1TB because it is one of the only 1TB CMR HDDs, but it is not that fast at 5400rpm and up to 144 Mb / s. https://shop.westerndigital.com/de-de/products/internal-drives/wd-red-plus-sata-2-5-hdd#WD10JFCX

Also, I could get a WD Black Gaming Performance hard drive for about the same price, even a little cheaper, but unfortunately it's SMR, but even with the higher transfer speeds, higher RPM and SATA III, I'm not entirely sure which one is better than my internal drive would be, since my internal PS4 hard drive is probably already being used quite heavily when games are constantly being deleted and installed, and is much, much better suited to the SMR for something like this. https://shop.westerndigital.com/de-de/products/internal-drives/wd-black-mobile-sata-hdd#WD10SPSX

I look forward to answers!


The best product i know is the caviar series with gel storage.

Such a part has been running for more than 8 years in a system of mine that is exposed to a lot of agony, sometimes it was installed there.


I don't know that very well, but the WD black has a higher transfer speed and that should probably make it better for the price.


I would say that this only means the maximum transfer speed that is possible with the SATA III interface, because 6GB / s would be too blatant for an HDD.


Yes, the Smr technology is already true, capacity is friendlier but works slower because it also has to move data. If you don't care and I think that it doesn't make much difference in the end anyway, I would say a smr hard drive would be better.


I can say that I have had good experiences with the WD black series. In addition, the Red is more suitable for NAS systems.

The WD black, on the other hand, cuts a good figure in gaming, is fast and quite quiet. Are my experiences.

If SSDs are too expensive, you can achieve a little more speed with an SSHD. For example, my PS4 has a 2 TB Seagate SSHD and I'm more than happy with that.