VR Gaming s.PC, wireless?

- in PlayStation

Since I have not followed the topic of VR gaming so completely I would like to ask the question here.
And I wanted to ask if there are already wireless VR glasses with good remote control? I would like the Oculus Rift, but it is not wireless.

Then there's the Oculus Quest, this is indeed wireless but does not (yet) work with the PC, even if the W-Lan streaming option is probably not quite off the table. Only then it would be interesting for me, until then, the question arises to me what it can do.

However, I would particularly disturb the cable in my freedom while gambling, I would like to use the VR glasses for racing games in combination with my steering wheel, because the cable would disturb less but at games like Payday2 then rather.

Super would be synonymous if the VR glasses are compatible with the PS4 because I would like to buy two glasses.


Glasses that supports both PS and PC would not be known to me
If you lay the cables reasonably well, they will interfere very little or not at all. Since you can work without problems with USB extension and then the cable, for example. Lead over the ceiling, then you are disturbed at least by this, alternatively simply in a large arc and then from behind
Wireless there are (according to my last knowledge) not yet, because the amount of data is just too large, which is transmitted as per second. I have read of a project on Kickstarter that develops an adapter that creates this amount of data, but does not know how the stand is


Because the amount of data is just too large, which is transmitted as per second.

Well, Wi-Fi streaming would be just an alternative, otherwise devices such as Nvidia Shield etc do not work.

Only the battery life would be a problem.

Are there any alternatives with cables that are comparable or even better than the Oculus Rift?


Sure, that's the HTC Vive for example.

Which headset you pick is also a question of price, in addition there are also heaps of video on YouTube, e.g. This one:


Thank you. I did not have that on the screen. Do you have a few Randinfos for me in which points it is better than the Oculus?


The rift and vive can be made with the tpcast cables (third party). The vive even gets an exclusive wireless adapter donated by htc in cooperation.
the quest will never be connected to the pc. That makes the sense of a stand alone glasses.
believe me the cable you do not notice after 3-5 days. This is more the problem because you twist the cable too evenly. The art is therefore the power of the habit to turn often against his favorite direction. The vive cable (release, cv1) has the thickest cable and it bothers me zero. The restriction is only in the lying position and the turning movement. Payday is therefore a joke. Try to play nx or onward with cable then you know how to deal with the cable (or you learn it then).
the psvr is with the ps4 / pro and the pc (with third party) possible to use. It is recommended, however, not because the drivers and co are optimized on the ps (which is the hmd bad) and s.pc then everything is missing and the result then the hardware hardware performance brings to light. Thus, there's no hmd which s.pc and ps could be used (qualitatively)


Ok the TPCast is really not cheap.

Which of the two VR glasses would you recommend?
The Vive is more expensive and has as far as I heard in a video have no headphones, these cost another good 100 euro on top.

In addition, I find the Vive not even on Amazon, and in the Oculus only the Oculus Rift S.

Apparently according to the video HTC also works on newer controllers, so maybe I should wait?


It depends on your desire to play and your aspects for a purchase: readability, colors, contrast, tracking, and and and.

What do you want to do with it then I can give you a recommendation.


In addition to racing games or simulators that I will probably play sitting in front of the PC with a steering wheel, I would also like to play Payday 2.
Unfortunately, I have not dealt with the games so much and there are many games where you just teleport ugly (Skyrim). But I think that more and better games will come in the future.


And I think the tracking should be good enough so that everything is really accepted. At HTC I would probably wait for the Vive Knuckles because the other controller is probably not as good as the Rift.


There are already better ones. And skyrim also has locomotion.
at racing games I would grab the rift s. If you want to play shooter rather like onward then tend to grab the primax 5k (use the lighthouse tracker). With that you can then also enjoy racing games.

when shooters the inside out tracking is usually not so good. The coverage is too low and in the real strategic fight it sometimes comes to attitudes that the inside out systems can't master.

if you have run with the vive or the rift cv1 race and that is enough for you, you can also take it.


The knuckles are nice and not bad for social media est. For shooter, however, is still the old controller better because you can also cheaply build a gun stock.


I think the Primax 5k would be a bit too expensive because the trackers and controllers from HTC have to be bought.
And so good is my old PC not that he could fire this.


I just looked at it myself because I did not really know what exactly differentiates the headsets. I'm even thinking of starting with VR.

At HTC, there's the Vive, or the Vive Pro, and the Vive Pro is pretty expensive and does not seem worth the money.

Oculus is currently the Rift S, is an evolution of the Rift and should be pretty good.

The Vive costs € 600 and the Rift S € 450

With the Vive, you need to place at least two sensors in the room so you can track where you are at the moment and how you move. Although this is more effort because of the whole cable but the thing can be "Full Body Tracking", also means the legs are tracked, if you lie down / set it will be tracked and transferred to the game, if supported. (Is in games like VR chat not bad)

The Oculus makes the tracking with the help of the 5 built-in cameras, but tracks as far as I've seen only the head and the hands, so no full body tracking.


What kind of a graka do you have?


A GTX 980ti and as a CPU an i7 4790k.


So wait for the Vive Knuckles and then get the Vive?


Then the rift s would be pretty close to the limit. Would still go, but with ss it will be tight.

then you have to decide what is more important to you then. Whether it's rift s or rift cv1 or vive.


If you really want full body tracking, yes, otherwise I think the Rift S.


If already, right?


Yes, I probably will do it too. Depends on what you want to spend / can.


I think just under 1000 euro are well invested in this hobby. I just hope that in the future more games will come out which support this well. Only for VR chat or so it would be too stupid.