Download via wlan at the ps4 speeding tips tricks?

- in PlayStation

Hello So Ner week about my wireless did not go so the router was kind of short decommission both the phone and the ps4 could with the router does not connect (we have an adapter so that wireless is a little reinforced in the lower floor) then has made a bit my sister on the wireless router bit since we have again but internet realize I now that the download (currently I invite the crew2 down) only in 1ner short of going and then as this problem with the wireless was not it went in 3 steps now I do not want to wait forever and wanted to know if you have solutions how to speed up the download thank you in advance

Ps: I have no Lan cable is why lan cable infected infected


The farther away a WLAN capable device from the WLAN router sits, the worse the reception the worse the download.

The same applies to things that lie between the router and the WLAN device. For example Wet wood, reinforced concrete, shark cage, 3m thick lead door made of lead.

Bring your Wi-Fi device closer to the router then the reception is better - then the Download Unterumständen (* 1) is faster.

If that does not work, devices help - call themselves WLAN Repeater. These are usually positioned halfway between the router and the WLAN device.

Then this still needs to be configured accordingly and integrated into your own network - then it should work but already.

* 1) Another point that you can't influence - is the network load of the download server. If this is busy at peak times - then try again at another time.

In any case, you should not try this on public holidays and on weekends - because then all have free and are at home.