VR glasses - do you have recommendations?

- in PlayStation

I would like to give my son a VR-glasses for his birthday (18th). At his disposal are the Playstation 4 and a high-quality PC.

Therefore, my first question: for which of the two systems would be (because of good games and good graphical implementation) a VR glasses rather recommended?

And 2. Do you have experiences (positive / negative) with glasses and can you especially recommend a model for me?

The price range is rather secondary.


PC (if really powerful)> Console - the graphics in PS vr is almost ne cheek (subjective my view) - on the other hand, of course, correspondingly cheaper. Otherwise, it works quite well.

With the PC, only the Vive, the Oculus and the Vive pro remain to gamble.

I'll assume that the Vive Pro with 1200 euro rausfalls and the Vive 450-600 euro or the oculus 350-550 euro are because price attractive. Everything else is immo nonsense.

I've tried all except the Vive Pro.

The Vive has slightly better tracking of the headset and m.M.n. The much better display - but has more godrays than the Oculus. Both have visible mosquito nets with longer use not really annoying - but here only helps a much higher resolution it's so far not exist (vive pro is better, but is still visible well).

The advantage of the Oculus lies in the price as well as in the controllers, which are slightly better than those of the Vive and - for most at least - feel more natural. The disadvantage of the Oculus are the terms of use, the fact that the sensors are in principle webcams, parsed with the fact that the whole Facebook is at least a bland taste. The last disadvantage is the full tracking in the oculus only with a 3rd cam is possible to buy again to be delivered only 2. Thus, the price is approaching.

The normal price of the vive with 599 euro is personally something high for what you get - but also regularly for 450 euro on the counter, which is then attractive to the oculus, which you usually get constantly for 399 euro - often cheaper, (but keep in mind that you have to buy the 3rd sensor for the same functionality.) No details whatsoever for the single item - estimate 50 Euro)

Almost all games can be played with both headsets. With the vive one needs extra software to be able to play the Oculus plays, all of me tested run however without problems.

If money does not matter just stop the Vive pro watching, but the price jump is higher than what you m.M.n. There you get. Is basically a vive with all the weaknesses and strengths, but with a higher resolution and an intigrated headset.


For PS4 there's only the Sony VR and for the PC the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive.

I would recommend for the PC and there the HTC Vive, but also costs properly. The PC simply has much more power than a console, and that's important to VR. Little FPS can lead to nausea faster and it looks much better on the PC and there are just more games and possibilities.

I have experience with all 3 glasses. Especially at the beginning you should take a lot of breaks because you get fast motion sickness. But you get used to it over time, but it varies from person to person. People who generally have problems with 3D get faster Motion Sickness


For starters, what is important with a HMD (head motion display / VR glasses).
first the resolution and the fov (field of view / width of field). This is a good time. You can have a good resolution, but if the fov is too large that will hardly do anything, since the pixels are then stretched so much that a fly screen effect and, as a result, the readability of smaller texts fades. Most big-name (known in the vr scene) have implemented it with the implementation times more and sometimes less well.

next would be the accessories / features of the hmd. Important are the eye distance setting and if necessary, an adjustable lens distance (for eyeglass wearer or to reduce the fov for readability). Headphones and co would then taste to select and accessories to buy you will find mostly only for the most common models. Here, for example, would be a vr cover (name of the homepa identical) gegut that makes for a pleasant wearing on the face. And vr lense (name of the homepa identically) which protect the hmd lenses and if necessary man can also compensate for his weakness without having to wear glasses.

last but not least, the hmd and the tracking. For which applications should it be exactly: simulation, shooter, adventure, fantasy, thinking games, film and television, social media.
this makes it dependent on the purchase of a hmd because most use a different tracking or the controller again can provide an extra experience.
to unravel it a little bit.
shooter: need precise tracking and best a sharp picture.
simulations (related to driving / running and flight): need a very good picture. 1440x1600 per eye and more are recommended, but it is also less like rift and vive prove.
adventure, fantasy, thinking: are rather independent of it. These are usually oversubscribed and roughly designed. Therefore, low resolution usually enough (as with the psvr). Exception offers under circumstances thinking games as soon as text boxes are to be read. The tracking goes from sitting to roomscale so it's hard to say which hmd would be best as the psvr games mostly sitting in the offer while pc hmd's just use roomscale to make a player go deeper into the game.
film: here it is a matter of taste. There are applications to simulate the cinema and to find a place that seems appropriate. After request then just further forward or back. If you want to sit further back, you should also have a better display. Real films often tend to open wide scenes and thus it is mostly out of focus in the back rows with a vive and rift eg. While an odysee (+) and a primax 5k just manage to hint at small details. Is is possible with all models (well in the psvr really matter of taste), it depends on the content and the size of the canvas. If the question should come: yes it is like in the cinema, the dimensions of the canvas. In big screen, for example, there are almost 20-25x6m screens approx.
social media: it depends on whether you want it or not. The rift (vive also gets new controllers soon), has controllers with touch sensors. These recognize whether a finger is on or not and on the basis of the not laid up and placed finger it creates a gesture (peace, fist or just a m… F…). A nice gimmick in social media also has smaller advantages. The vive and other hmd's can do the same, but with the touch of a button.

last but not least a small overview of my objective opinion on the hmd's I could test and own:

psvr: bad resolution, bad tracking, (no longer quite) cheap price, play selection expensive and mau.
vive: very good tracking, controllers are good in the hand, play selection as with all steam compatible hmd's huge, good fov, glasses place adjustable and very large (ideal also for fov reduction to 75 degrees ca).
vive pro: best tracking with the 2.0 versions, very comfortable and perfectly aligned, but too expensive for the most middle class.
rift: a little better for simulations than the vive because smaller fov, less eyewear space, tracking only starting from 3 cams to use and then not as good as the vive, good controller with finger sensor (the vive controllers can be a good competitor) ,
odysee (+): very good picture, tracking is a matter of taste (rather wa


Thank you very much for your detailed answer!


Thank you very much for the great answer, I will now get to know whether the Vive with the graphics card in the PC is "compatible" and then probably decide on this model.


Happy if questions should still be or sonhnemann games recommendations or games would like to test me he can addn on steam under: Neeru (from marburg)

which graphics card is it because then I can possibly say directly whether it runs butter soft or possibly in some games it could jerk.


Nvidia gtx 970 gaming 4g


It will still work.

deductions would be in titles that were re-scripted for vr (mitlerweile some of them but also run quite well with the 970 and 1060).
games like elite dangorus or eurotruck simulator will run, but not with an increase in ss (super sampling / edge smoothing).

If you want more you can think about this or next year in the summer to get a 1070 or 1080 / ti, if they fall very much from the price.

if then games tips or testing of games should be asked, you can reach me yes as described.

I wish you a lot of fun with the hmd and welcome to the vr community.

For news and co, I can highly recommend this site: https://www.vrnerds.de/