Downloadratd PS4, maybe LAN cable?

- in PlayStation

Unfortunately I don't know about the technology regarding router / LAN cables etc.

Wanted to ask if there's a difference in the different LAN cables. I have had a Vodafone line with 1000Mbit / s since January.

I mainly use the internet with my PlayStation 4 (no pro) with an external hard drive. Currently I load the update file from COD with only 2-5 Mbit / s, accordingly I need about 2-3 hours for 20GB.

Do you have the feeling that my LAN cable may not be transmitting so much? Are there high speed cables that transmit more or is it due to the external hard drive that may be slow?

To the pros, what can it be?


Is more likely due to the PSN network. Too many people at the same time.

Otherwise there's more speed?



Note units. Bandwidth is specified in mbit / sec, download rate in MByte / sec. Are different units!

Second, even a cheap Kat5e cable can transmit gigabits up to 100 meters in length.


That too… And the providers are also actively throttling so as not to overload the network.


Well, it's really like this all the time. Internet is otherwise fast when I gamble etc. But when it comes to downloading is always slow.


So. "Internet fast gaming" does not exist. Ne 2mbit line with decent upload is enough for gaming. Only the ping (latency) is decisive.

How high is your download speed on PC or mobile phone?

I had a problem with the Vodafone Easybox. PC was running normally. The iPhone and iPad had lost connections. PS4 bad download rates but good ping and problems with the chat software from Sony.

The problem was the Easybox. I exchanged them for a Fritz router and everything has been running ever since.


Just run a (if synthetic) speed test as a comparison?


I have exactly the same problem. Connection breaks on the cell phone / Ps4 bad download rates / otherwise good ping ca 30-50Ms.
Can I do a speed test on the cell phone with the Wi-Fi connection or does it have to be done via a LAN cable on the PC so that I can report more.


Mobile phone is enough. Of course, the best thing is if you make cell phone and only leave WLAN on.

Of course, one can't say with certainty exactly why. For me it was the box. The tip came from a colleague who had the exact same box.