Can't set anything in the ARC?

- in PlayStation

I purchased ARk on Steam and now I'm trying to play it. I play the local version, so just for me. It is not possible for me to build anything. But I can build one, a raft on the water and rumschippern with it. But no matter where else I'm, I can't place a sleeping bag, or hearth or foundation. It does not matter where I'm. From the PS4 version I'm used to building on the raft, even far away from the land I can't even place a box. Yes it is all green. Nothing works on The Center either. The floss just went with "E" to place, but everything else really does not work, I've got all the buttons and mouse buttons through, I can't place anything.


Have you already tried in the settings to see if something is double or not occupied?


In how far do you double or nothing? Have the settings through so many times and changed that I have set them back to origin, the result remains the same


If place for example on mb1 but mb1 also an unnecessary function is at the same time can prevent that you can build

otherwise I would recommend you to contact the Steam support


The keyboard layout I have already reset, without success


Do you play on the PC with keyboard and mouse?

In singleplayer?